A reason for it being the richness and diversity of the Amazon Rainforest. “The Amazon as a whole contributes over 20 percent of the earth's oxygen supply… The biodiversity of the Amazon basin is unparalleled, and scientists estimate that more than 50 percent of the world's remaining plant and animal species live in the rainforest. Thousands of anti-cancer agents have been developed from plants found in the Amazon, and hundreds of pharmaceutical companies are actively investigating rainforest plants for additional medical applications.” (Issitt). Though this quote proves points as to why Amazon Deforestation should continue, there are other reasons as to why it should not. Even though that some medical treatments have been found in the Amazon Rainforest, if we continue taking so much from it, the supplies needed for the treatments will eventually run out. Also, as stated in the quote, the Amazon Rainforest is home to more than 50 percent of the worlds remaining plant and animal species. If Amazon Deforestation continues, a majority of those species may be
A reason for it being the richness and diversity of the Amazon Rainforest. “The Amazon as a whole contributes over 20 percent of the earth's oxygen supply… The biodiversity of the Amazon basin is unparalleled, and scientists estimate that more than 50 percent of the world's remaining plant and animal species live in the rainforest. Thousands of anti-cancer agents have been developed from plants found in the Amazon, and hundreds of pharmaceutical companies are actively investigating rainforest plants for additional medical applications.” (Issitt). Though this quote proves points as to why Amazon Deforestation should continue, there are other reasons as to why it should not. Even though that some medical treatments have been found in the Amazon Rainforest, if we continue taking so much from it, the supplies needed for the treatments will eventually run out. Also, as stated in the quote, the Amazon Rainforest is home to more than 50 percent of the worlds remaining plant and animal species. If Amazon Deforestation continues, a majority of those species may be