Not only is human milk easily digestible versus formula, human milk has the perfect combination of nutrients. It contains all the vitamins, protein, and fat your baby needs to grow. A mother’s natural immunities against viruses and bacteria are passed through breast milk to your baby to help protect them from illness. Breast milk also lowers your baby’s risk of developing asthma and allergies. According to WebMD, babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first six months, without any formula, have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, bouts of diarrhea, and they also …show more content…
A baby doesn’t know the differences between what or how they are fed, but they do know when they are being nurtured. It is important not to prop your baby’s bottle and to hold them close, allowing mother and child to develop a loving bond while feeding. Formula feeding can be very convenient, and flexible for mother and baby. A formula-fed baby can be fed by anyone at anytime, which can also make for more bonding time between other loved ones while giving the mother a well deserved break. It can also make it easier for mother and baby if the mother has to go back to work early on. There is nothing wrong with bottle-feeding formula, however there are many more health benefits that come to mothers who give their child breast milk instead of