One of the most challenging and personal decisions about becoming a first time mother is deciding the right nourishment for your baby. Many mothers decide whether they plan to breastfeed or formula feed their infant before labor, but often change their mind after delivery. While it’s hard to say which is better, I believe the American Academy of Pediatrics justified breastfeeding as the best:
The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that breastfeeding is the optimal source of nutrition through the first year of life. We recommend exclusively breastfeeding for about the first six months of a baby 's life, and then gradually adding solid foods while continuing breastfeeding until at least the baby 's first birthday. …show more content…
This article will look at how breast-feeding and formula feeding compare and contrast in different ways.
Breast milk and formula have a lot of the same nutrients and minerals. However, formula cannot manufacture the antibodies that are found in breast milk. Antibodies and other germ fighting factors pass from the mother to the infant and strengthen the infant 's immune system to help fight against ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea, allergies, et cetera. (“Breastfeeding vs. Formula”) Also, as stated by medical expert Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD, breastfeeding may protect your baby from asthma, diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome known as SIDS, and childhood obesity (“Breastfeeding vs. Formula”)
Breast milk contains most all of the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires, except vitamin D. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all breastfed babies need to begin receiving vitamin D supplements during the first two months of life and to continue until a baby consumes enough vitamin D recommended after the age of one (“Breastfeeding Vs. Bottle”). However, the U.S Food and Drug administration known as the FDA, regulates formula companies to ensure they provide vitamin D and all the other necessary nutrients in their formulas (“Breastfeeding Vs. …show more content…
However, breast milk is easier for the baby to digest, but the mother must watch her diet, like while pregnant. Women who are breastfeeding need to pay close attention to what they eat and drink, since everything is passed to the baby through the breast milk. Unlike with formula, caffeine intake should be kept to no more than a soda or a cup of coffee per day, because it can cause restlessness and irritability in some infants. According to “Kelly-Mom”, families today who decide to formula feed often spend about $1,188 a year on formula, and that is just including formula; exempting the cost of bottles, nipples, and water. Ultimately, families that breastfeed spend less money a year on nourishment. Breastfeeding is free and is at no cost to parents. Nursing covers, shields, pumps, nursing bras and clothing, lactation consultants, storage bags and bottles are all optional