Carl Rogers Theory Of Personality Paper

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Through the different theories of personality, one can come to better understand who they are as an individual, and how they got to their current state. Personality is a complex variable which factors into our daily life. Personality has personally shaped us all as individuals, and will continue to be an apparent factor in our daily lives. Through the study of personality, we can better understand ourselves and our community. In this paper I will reflect on my own childhood experiences, the ways in which they shaped me, and the theory I find most relevant.
I grew up in a wonderful family, in the ideal community. I was raised by two parents, my mother and father, who were very much in love. I also had an older brother who is seven years older
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Rogers believed that all humans must rely on their own experiences and beliefs to navigate life. Rogers believed that people are motivated by an innate tendency to actualize, maintain, and achieve the self (Schultz,269). I very much believe in his idea that social factors have more of an influence on our personality than do biological factors. Rogers has written about how he believes that the individual is the only one who can fully understand their own experiences, as they are at the center of the collection of their experiences. Your behavior derives from your perception of what you need. Rogers also believed that by fully experiencing one’s emotions leads to growth. Being open to emotions will lead us to self-actualization (Rogers). With this comes positive regard. The need for positive regard can be seen universally. This includes acceptance and love from other people. I think this was very apparent when I moved schools. I wanted to be liked and to be thought well of. I wanted to be accepted into this new community. As I continued to advance in this, I developed positive self regard. This came more from within than from the acceptance of others. As stated before I began to better understand myself as an individual. I believe that Rogers depiction of the self is very accurate. We have the perceived self, which is who we think we are. This is kind of like what we think we depict ourselves as, and how we truly feel about ourselves. I look at the perceived self as if we were being totally honest with ourselves in the moment, what would you describe yourself as. Then there is the ideal self. This self is what we want to be. If we could change a certain characteristic of ourselves this would be the ideal

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