A hero is someone who did ordinary thing in an extraordinary way. through thousands of years of reading about heroes in Greek mythology. Seeing rights activist give their life for their cause. Heroes have helped and inspired people to do unbelievable things. Heroes are usually selfless and show humility through their entire life.…
A hero is defined as someone who is admired for great acts or fine qualities. George Washington said, “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her” (Nguyen). Tonia Pennington is a hero because she has done so much for others and means the world to many people.…
A hero is anyone who has the ability to express themselves. In the past, the definition of a hero was much more narrow than in the current day. Today, who a hero is depends entirely on perspective. A hero to one could be the enemy to another. This concept of what it takes to be a hero has changed as time went on.…
A hero of mine is Jose Altuve he had grown up in poverty and his only way to live a good life was to play in the MLB. so he tried out for the Houston Astros and was told to never come back. But he did and he is making millions of dollars to play baseball. A hero is someone who does the right thing no matter what.…
Many people have influenced me in my life. One person has stood out and helped me with many things in my life. My personal hero is my grandma. When I was younger she helped me through a lot. Whenever I mad a mistake she would be there to help me fix it.…
1.What is a hero? Do you have a hero? Who is it and why? To me, a hero is not someone with special powers such as superman or batman but someone who has the willingness to sacrifice themselves for someone in need.…
What is a hero Everyone has a hero in their life. Whether this hero is just someone famous or someone that has mentored them through their life, everyone has a hero. A hero can be someone who has had a huge impact on your life, or a hero can be someone who you idolized at one point in life. No matter how big of an impact they may have made on your life they are still considered a hero to you.…
What makes a hero? To different people, in different times and cultures, a hero is defined in many different ways. To me, a hero is a man who consistently shows strength in many honorable traits, and does so to a superhuman degree. Someone who overcomes obstacles, while maintaining the remarkable character they are known for. Odysseus is a hero, because he is extremely brave, intelligent and powerful.…
A time I was a hero was when my cousin and I were at the race track watching my uncle his dad race his street stock, late models , super late models Hurry my cousin said as we paid to get in the pits. They might need some help unloading the car and getting everything else unloading. As we entered the pits the late models were about to go out on the track. Those are the most beautiful cars you will ever see.…
There are many different kinds of heros. Some people think of a hero as an everyday person who just happens to do a good deed. Others may consider a hero to be fictional character who possesses some form of super powers. A hero can also be a historical figure, who did great deeds and saved many people. Overall, a hero is someone who does things just because they can, for the greater good.…
A hero can be any everyday person. Heroes save and prevent bad things from happening. They help lots of people everyday. Even though they’re risking their lives to save the don’t mind helping.…
What is a hero? A hero in my eyes, would have to be a person who cares, someone that's selfless, doesn't mind giving to others, a person who just wants to generally help others and not trying to get something back from them. A hero is someone you can look up to and ask for help if you need it. Someone you know does good things, even when no one is watching them. It doesn't have to be somebody you know, just somebody you think is good on the inside.…
“I think a hero is a person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” –Maya Angelou. A hero is someone who does what’s right, no for the reward, but for the benefit of the positive outcome. Heroes are needed in many situations. A world full of villains and no heroes would be out of control.…
What Makes A Hero? To many, a hero is defined as a person who is idealized for bravery, outstanding accomplishments, and or noble qualities. But in all reality, a hero is a person who puts others before themselves. A person that you can look up to as a role model is a hero.…
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Most if not every person has their own hero, whether it be a celebrity, a family member, or some random person who you admire. My hero is someone who means the world to me and that is my mom. My mom is my hero, my idol, my model figure, my everything. I define my mom as a hero because she has provided me with guidance, motherly love, and has always been there for me.…