As a 17 year old, I don’t have many opportunities to have a life changing instances. Now, everyone has these experiences; here are the stories that shaped me. That made me who I am today and possibly had a massive effect on my life. One of the main things that shaped me growing up was not having a father. Since the age of about 3 I really didn't have a father figure. Around the age of 10 is when my step dad came into the pitcher. While I was little, I just stayed with my mom and occasionally with my great grandma. When I was little I wanted to know more about him; possibly get to even meet him. Just to be able to see who he really was; instead I decided against it. Since I'm older I understand that it wasn’t worth looking for him. Don’t get me wrong though; growing up with my mom wasn’t that bad. I mean I didn’t grow up as a car guy or a “guy” that everyone expects. Yet, it hasn’t affected me yet, but I understand how hard it was just trying to raise me. Now that I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, I can see the struggle she put up with. One way she made it kinda easy way to go to a lot of Royals games. We would go to as many as she could afford. Thought my childhood, she always supported whatever I wanted to do; baseball was no different. Just like every little kid, she has been my biggest fan. Went to every practice and watch me go from one position to another, and get watched me grow into a better player. My grandma was no different, she didn't come to every practice, …show more content…
I got to spend a lot of time with my mom and my family. I got really close with my great grandma before she started to lose her memory. Now, there were many other things that I did to keep myself entertained. I watched a lot of T.V. and also a fair amount of board games. I always tried to do stuff with my family, but when I was alone, I still had an amazing imagination. Yet there was still something that shaped my life with no