One unique, true thing about me is that I own 5 Newfoundlands. I’ve owned a total of 5 in my lifetime. A lot can be learned from owning Newfoundlands. One of them we own now, Hoosier, is the size of a horse! On 2 legs, he would be about 6 feet tall.…
In summer 2014, my family went on a road trip to alberta. The trip to get there took two and a half days of full on driving. It took us the first two days to drive out of ontario; which was the most boring part of the trip. Looking out the window the only thing to be seen most of the time were different trees, deer, gas stations and more trees.…
Times have been rough, but I am sure you are aware of this. I am writing to you in a time of extremely dire circumstances. During a case I was part of not too long ago a discourteous lawyer absolutely engulfed in his work decided to say such words that have lifted a forgotten sprit within me. After speaking to the Attorney General about allowing 'mixed company' to be present in cases about prostitution, I was much too overjoyed about winning that I failed to realize the many injustices that are still prevailing, ruining our fellow sisters. It is because of this reason that when I heard such infantile words come out of that lawyers mouth was I absolutely appalled.…
From my last 3 years of running cross county I have learned a lot of things. One is that you should never give up, second is that if you work hard enough then you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, and third is how you can go from disliking something to loving something. How I've learned these things from cross county is when I first started cross country, my sophomore year I couldn't run to save my life. Coach would always time us on how fast we could run two miles and I would always be last and be so far behind everyone else which was quite embarrassing but I couldn't help it I had just started and I'd never ran before in my life, at my very first meet I couldn't even run the first mile and I ended up having to drop out. After that I didn't like cross county at all because I wasn't good at it…
If you are a vacation fan you need to read this story. I will tell you about my trip to Minnesota. Ill Tell you about were you can swim and fish in. I will mention stuff like, swimming, fishing and about my aunts and uncles wedding. There will be awesome stuff like catching Northern, Walleye and Gar.…
My whole life I have struggled with answering the question “where are you from?” As a little girl I was always tongue-tied. I didn’t know my family’s history, I never had the ability to establish myself in one place because my father’s job required constant adjustments to my surroundings. However, my sophomore year I took my first college level American History course and it began opening doors I didn’t know existed. I soon realized that I may not know exactly where I come from, I may not belong to a specific state or region, but I am a part of the big picture –The United States of America.…
One of the first things I remember about going on that trip is looking down at my feet and thinking that I would die if I fell. I was nine and very light-headed at the time. It was the winter of 2009 and one of the first times I had ever gone to Colorado. The drive there took about 6 hours from our house so you can imagine my excitement at finally getting out of the car as an inpatient nine-year-old. We were renting a small two story log cabin with a hot tub on the second- floor balcony from a family that had a winter home somewhere in Florida.…
Okay, that was really weird and I don't understand anything. We were waiting to talk to you, my mother wanted to apologize for having moved away, she was not feeling well, it was too hot in the middle of all those people. We were talking about calling you into a cafe when we turned you were leaving the room with a couple. As I said understand anything.…
As a child growing up in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the Union, the idea of a vast planet brimming with civilization and culture was more like something out of a fairy tale than it was reality. So, when my father announced that we would be leaving the country to go to Scotland, the home of his and my ancestors, my world began to expand at a rapid pace. This trip could not have been timed more perfectly. The summer of 2007 marked the end of fourth grade, my first year at Saint Mary Academy Bay View.…
I ran for my life but we finally made it to the German trench. In the there, the dead were out numbering the living. There was no Germans, so we thought we had driven them back and we were celebrating. All of a sudden some soldiers started dropping off like flies. I took cover on the rotting trench walls.…
Once again we are home from a 2 week vacation in Mt. Pleasant, SC... After we unpack the suitcases, and greet the neighbors who are curiously watching our every move, it time to start inside and see what has developed since we’ve been gone. In an effort to keep the peace with the inquisitive onlookers, you advise them that there will be time to get together later on after you are settled in from the exhausted trip. Upon entering the front door you notice from the beginning things are not what they seem. At the same time you want to gather your thoughts and remain focused, because a through dusting and house cleaning is in order.…
My Culture I am a mix of two cultures. I am half Mexican and half American. Even though I am half Mexican, my spanish isn’t good. I can’t speak spanish fluently and I tend to strudder a lot. My spelling is pretty bad too.…
“You can start whenever you’re ready” The boy looked down at his pale, shaking hands, then up at the ceiling. Anywhere except for the man with the clipboard in front of him. They had told him that if he came here, they would leave him alone. He took that to mean no more blinding lights being shown in his face, no more fake smiles, no more lies. “My mom made me some sandwiches.…
“Go Kylie go! Five hundred meters left! Give it all you got! Five hundred meters left!” screamed Coach Leaman as I ran past her on the last lap at the state cross country meet.…
My struggle with life in Canada … As long as I live I will remember (Shakur, “Love Within a Storm” 11) In the stare of the sky in the cold catch of water (Hervey 6) I exist in the depths of solitude (Shakur, “In the Depths of Solitude” 1) Under the stars above (Shakur, “2 People With 1 Wish” 4) [I] brood like the day, a master over a slave (William 121) I think of home and dry my eyes (Shen-Yen 8) [It was] when I was at my lowest (Shakur, “Nothing Can Come Between Us 4 John” 10)…