Joseph Campbell, the creator of the hero’s journey, did a lot of research on ancient mythology. He discovered that many heroes travel the same paths to becoming a hero. Campbell decided that heroes come across many challenges that are put into stages and in those stages the hero grows closer to the reward at the end. I am definitely not a hero, but my journey of finding Christ and giving my life to him has absolutely made me into a better person overall. As I look at my journey of finding Christ, I see that it has many similarities to Campbell’s Hero’s Journey.…
Journey His journey starts when his parents were killed. After his parents were killed he started his quest to find all that took over his planet, no matter how vicious or evil they were. After that he got injured, which is where he got robotic parts and became a cyborg. He began fighting the cyborgs to go rid of all evil on his planet.…
Grade 8, Unit 1, EA 1: Writing a Hero's Journey Narrative Sustainably Adam was just your regular 15 year old boy. But today something rustled in the back of his mind that reminded him innocence is not forever. It took but half of the day for troubling news to reach him of his sister’s death, and the implications that came with that. But so much more was on the horizon. Suddenly Adam’s world felt more suffocating than anything else, even though attached to his mouth was a perfectly functioning oxygen generator.…
Many people have influenced me in my life. One person has stood out and helped me with many things in my life. My personal hero is my grandma. When I was younger she helped me through a lot. Whenever I mad a mistake she would be there to help me fix it.…
My Epic Hero Journey In this essay I will be deliberating my threshold transition when I am thirty years. I will include five to seven decisions that will change my perspective about life. My five to seven decisions will include me making good grades, A friends death, moving out, marriage, college, and having children. Buy the time I am thirty…
Ever on and on I continue circling With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can't break free— I'm Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony To tell me who I am, who I was…
Halloween, an American tradition where young children can go ‘trick or treating’ around their neighbourhood, however, this has risen the debate of whether this celebration is a safe or a suitable one to be part of. An opinion piece was published on Mamamia on the 29th of October, 2015, titled ‘Why my kids won’t be doing Halloween’, written by Alissa Warren, implies that Halloween is a ridiculous and an inappropriate event to be participated by anyone. In a disconcerting and exasperated tone, Warren targets readers of Mamamia and parents, of this whole issue of the pointless festivity. The article was also accompanied by a visual image that displays some kids in costume, trick or treating, with no one around and followed by a comment, written…
Over the years and years spent on studying mythology, Joseph Campbell came up with the concept of The Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey states that all hero’s travel in a similar path and go through many similar stages that’ll lead them to their reward. However, not every hero’s journey has to involve obstacles as in slaying a dragon or trying to save the world. In my case, I had to do nothing but trying to make it through sixth grade year. Sadly, sixth grade was the year that I faced the most challenges, real world challenges at least.…
A Hero's Journey The last month of summer before my junior year started was occupied with pondering and wondering what I wanted to accomplish during the upcoming school year. Sure, junior year sounds like a blast, filled with fun memories and friends. But it also doubles as approaching the cliff of adulthood that I would hit in two short years. Every step I take my junior and senior year will be one step closer to that ledge.…
MY VACATION OF THE UNIVERSE By:Zachary Warning! May Include Untrue Data! :) We were going pretty fast, but it was on our tail, then we were finally there, the End of the ride Or Were We……………………
My mother mysteriously disappeared when I was five years old, leaving my father to care for me alone, and thus inducing my sense of independence and my cynical mindset. My father and I weren’t close though; my father was always disconnected from me, but my grandmother told me that it was since he felt the blame that my mother had abandoned us. I wasn’t even told why my mother abdicated us until I was thirteen. My father and mother fell in love in high school, married, and were supposed to be sweethearts forever, however it didn’t turn out that way. Soon after having me, my mother began taking pain pills for an ongoing back pain problem, and she became addicted to them.…
RARELY has obedience laid upon me so difficult a task as this of writing about prayer; for one reason, because I do not feel that God has given me either the power or the desire for it, besides which, during the last three months I have suffered from noises and a great weakness in my head that have made it painful for me to write even on necessary business. However, as I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible, my will submits with a good grace, although nature seems greatly distressed, for God has not given me such strength as to bear, without repugnance, the constant struggle against illness while performing many different duties. May He, Who has helped me in other more difficult matters, aid me with His grace…
After flinging my school bag onto my back in an angry manner, i left my empty casing of a family home slamming the door behind me. Usually at this point I would walk the family gremlin to school because sadly we went to the same one, but the daily argument happened 20 minutes before scheduled so she wasn't even ready yet, luckily. I was now in my element. Music on, world off. I went along the same route, passing all the same oak trees, taking all the right roads as per normal.…
It was a sunny day in January of 2016. I eagerly drug my good ole pal Ashley along on a muddy adventure. We were on a mission to change the course of my life. I had been dreaming about adorable little dairy calves for quite a while. I come from a dairy background, but while we do have milk cows, we don’t have dairy calves.…
I have been watching Survivor ever since I can remember. Every Wednesday night my family and I will sit down and watch survivor together. Throughout the years of watching it I have learned many valuable life lessons. Ranging from loyalty all the way to general survival tips and these are some of the most valuable ones. All's fair in a game Survivor has taught me that all is fair in a game.…