When I was 9-10 years old I lived with my mom, dad, and sister in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania. Lake Ariel was a small town where all you would see is corn, fields, and woods. We had lived in this house for two years and I had a good group of friends that I had met from school or extracurricular activities. I attended Western Wayne Hamlin elementary school and was in fourth grade. The school district was huge, covering six townships, but my school was small.…
When one thinks of Iowa, one does not necessarily think of cultural diversity. The more and more I think about it as I have matured, it was exceedingly challenging to grow up as an Asian in my community. That is because I sometimes had trouble understanding the culture of others and my own culture at my young age. When I was younger, I found it very challenging to understand many of the things my peers and teachers were saying figuratively. For example, I had difficulty understanding jokes, so I took them literally and did not know they were joking.…
I wanted to know if we could meet whenever your schedule is free to discuss careers. Too make a long story short I decided to switch majors. I am now a communication major with psychology and business minors. I wanted to do work with organizational and/or (if there is some career that fuses these communication studies together) intercultural communication. I have done research through O*Net…
My whole life I have struggled with answering the question “where are you from?” As a little girl I was always tongue-tied. I didn’t know my family’s history, I never had the ability to establish myself in one place because my father’s job required constant adjustments to my surroundings. However, my sophomore year I took my first college level American History course and it began opening doors I didn’t know existed. I soon realized that I may not know exactly where I come from, I may not belong to a specific state or region, but I am a part of the big picture –The United States of America.…
In addition, they always maintained their cultural identity and ensured they passed on their traditions even though they moved to a predominantly European neighborhood. These traditions were evident in their family gatherings, traditional…
Introduction The non-clinical cross-cultural interview for this project was completed with a grandfather of an associate. My participant was the associate’s grandfather, and her grandfather is a youthful-looking 102 years old veteran, married male, who identifies as Filipino. In addition, he has been “happily” married for 73 years. When asked how did he manage to have a healthy and happy marriage; he responded by stating, “they did not drink, smoke, and always honest.”…
I believe that I will be comfortable working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will have a certain level of flexibility in functioning with different group of people. This is because my most of the profile dimensions are in the middle of the extreme ends. This means that I can easily adjust in any kind of environment. On comparing my Cultural Profile with my home country's plot, I found that there is a very close relation between them.…
My Culture I am a mix of two cultures. I am half Mexican and half American. Even though I am half Mexican, my spanish isn’t good. I can’t speak spanish fluently and I tend to strudder a lot. My spelling is pretty bad too.…
When I was younger my mother once told me of a biblical story in which a town would come together in order to purge themselves of sin. They would gather up a lone goat and hurl rocks and spew profanities, in many ways harming it within an inch of its life as it bled out upon the earth. They would then open the gates of the town and let the goat run away and carry all of their sins, transgressions, and their insecurities out into the wilderness in where the goat, along with all their sin, would perish. This in turn purged the town and cleansed them of their ways until it was time again to rid themselves of their wickedness. Now, as a young child I was appalled by such a story and such horrible people who could inflict pain upon an innocent being…
All my life I was confused with my identity. My sexual identity comes first in mind, but the most important confusion that I faced was my cultural identity. As a child I lived all over the world: China, Hong Kong, Korea, and United States. I spoke Korean at home, Chinese with my friends, and English at school. When I was an adolescent I became very confused my cultural identity.…
Going through small private schools in a little town since I was in kindergarten has set me up for very few cultural experiences but my parents never wanted my siblings and I to grow up like this. When my family goes on vacation my mom always tries to fully submerge us in the culture around us. For example, a few years ago, my family and I went on a vacation in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. We stayed in a nice resort and it was never necessary to leave the property if you didn’t want to. Most people never did.…
For some strange reason, this week got me thinking a lot about Disney and how it took unique characters like Pochantas and changed the storyline to "Westernize" it. I feel that, in the same nature, indigenous religions were affected so harshly by the rise of Christianity and the traveling of settlers. It is sad to think that even today there are Native Americans fighting the government in order to keep their land safe. I grew up going to this one art class and every single class the teacher would read us a new tale. I used to be so entrapped with the mythology behind every story.…
The next step in integrating culturally responsive teaching into my multicultural field experience was to build a cultural learning community. When teaching it’s important to set up a safe, open and honest environment. To do this I extended and received welcome as students entered the gym and I tried to be as present as much as possible. I also listened to the students when they were talking and built relationships with the students to try and make them feel included and important. Additionally, I paid attention to my facial expressions and body language.…
Have you ever broke your arm? It was just me, my family, and my friends. I was with my friend Colby. We were by my friends house. It was winter and there was a lot of snow on the ground.…
Being torn between two cultures is a stressful struggle which is also damaging to the self-esteem. A struggle I know well being a black girl growing up in a predominately white environment. Having been born into a family that values education, my parents immersed me in environments where I would receive the best education. However, it turns out racial diversity was non-existent in these environments. My junior year I transferred to a new school having an array of cultures and races.…