Bo Jackson said, “Set your goals high, and don’t stop until you get there.” (“Life hack Quotes”). My families always talk about my future and how it is essential to set your goals. For the majority of my life I’ve had an interest in childbirth and babies. I would always watch TV shows about childbirth, such as, A Baby Story and One Born Every Minute.…
Some challenges I’ve had to overcome start with me needing to get my life fixed. I used to be the student in high school that didn’t care about how they looked or what grades they got. I had no self-confidence in who I was and I had no aspirations on what I wanted to do with my life. Once high school was over life hit me and I needed to stop being the person I was because it was getting me nowhere in life. Now that I changed my attitude and my lifestyle I now get good grades and I finally feel that I have a clear future for…
Have you ever just thought about how you would take college life? Today a class had to read an article on preparing for college. The transition to college life, dorm life, can be awfully difficult at times. But once one's use to the dorm life he/ she will not have to worry anymore. On a college campus, all individuals are held responsible for their own actions.…
My Post-Secondary goals are to go an accredited university, for example, University of Florida is my school of interest. My goals are to be in as many teams and clubs as possible. My major as of right now would have to be Pre-Medicine but since UF does not have a Pre-Medicine degree I will major in biology to get the Pre Requisites I need to apply for medical school. The first thing I’m pursuing would have to be their amazing cheer team. I have been attended their cheerleading clinics and planning to visit the school in the near future.…
“I know applying to colleges is the last thing you want to do right now, but you might change your mind,” a trusted friend told me. It was December of my senior year of high school, and college application deadlines were approaching quickly. I was recovering from a major illness at the time, and wasn’t ready to think about college. My plan was to spend a year living at home and working before I pursued higher education. In the following months, my recovery progressed rapidly.…
As a freshman, getting the chance to participate in this program is a wonderful thing. BLAST would help me to start thinking about college, what I want to do, and my major. This program would be a great opportunity to be able to experience the college life and explore a college campus. Also, it allows me to try new activities and learn new skills. It will give me a chance to see what life after high school is like, firsthand.…
Brown is a place where students have the freedom to grow, learn about themselves, and enjoy life. In all my years of school there was always someone looking over my shoulder, interjecting their opinions, or spoonfeeding me the answers. I want my college education to be my own. Taking ownership of my education is a large responsibility, but I am mature enough to handle the challenge. The collaborative atmosphere of Brown, where students work with, instead of against, one another, will give me the guidance and support I need to figure out the best educational path for myself.…
An experience that has happened to me that will help me with my goals in school would be my time in the military. While I was in the military I learned that using time wisely, making smart choices and improved my reading and writing skills. Using time wisely is one of the most important things you can do. If you waste your time you can get so far behind that you fail. I have never been a failure and don’t plan to start anytime soon.…
Several challenges occurred during my college career. I worked throughout the majority of my education to pay for books and tuition. My parents helped with the costs of attending college as well as supporting me when my studies became difficult. The experience of being the first in my family to work towards a bachelors degree meant a lack of guidance and advice. I sought out the advice of an adviser who I have been working with for the past three years.…
Being the first in the family to take interest in college is already enough for everyone to push me in the direction to achieving it. I do not want to disappoint them or myself, I want to be on the graduation stage with my hand grasping that master degree. About me, others describe me as opinioned, stubborn and independent. Although I do not want to admit it, these traits all apply to me. Opinioned doesn’t sound as an appealing word to me I should say I like for people to understand my views completely also I don’t mind if someone does not agree with me, it just adds more depth to the discussion.…
My goals for this school is to come on time to school. Another goal that i have is to try to get an 80% on every class or get a higher grade. One of my personal goals is to improve on Baseball. I want to improve is on throwing harder. My goal for this school year is to get on time to school.…
Being able to support your family and having the opportunity to make your own money is a very important thing to do after school or college. The goal after high school is to go to college or university to get a degree in computer science. I want to be independent and be able to support myself with a good education. The next thing to do is find a job close to my family to be able to see them often. Another goal that I have is to buy my own apartment or house that I will live in.…
One goal I have for when I am in highschool is to be a valedictorian. I will accomplish this by maintaining my grades. I will make sure to check my grades weekly. I already have all A’s and one D that I am trying to get up to an A, I have the D because i was transferred into the class late and i am still trying to get the grade up to what it is suppose to be.…
I began at FCC this Fall 2016. I am a mom of 6 kids, most of whom are already grown and four of my children have attended FCC. Returning to school was daunting at the beginning of this semester but the students and teachers have been extremely helpful and encouraging. It has been a very positive semester. My Education goals are to obtain my degree.…
Online reviews didn't really partake in decision for college. The internet did help me get information on colleges near me so I could really make a secure, final decision. I actually went a completely different route in choosing my career path. I’d say it has really changed my future so far and for the better.…