I have involved myself in high school in many ways that I could. As far as athletics go, I have played volleyball and I am currently Vice President of the POM squad at Putnam City North. I served as class Vice President freshman year, class treasurer sophomore year, and I continue to serve as class treasurer for the juniors. I am also a junior representative officer for the PCN National Honor Society. In my high school career, I have been involved in various clubs such as Key Club, Spanish Club, and Ping Pong Club.…
The transition from High School can often times be very frustrating for students. L. Lennie Irvin opened my eyes to one of the bad habits I picked up on in High school. The habit of straying from the topic or theme could cause me to fail not only papers in English but my other courses as well. I personally had a hard time with English my first semester of college. In High school I was always at the top of my class and my teachers would tell me how great of a writer I was.…
For most students, the transition from middle school to high school is the evolution from childhood to adulthood. In my case, my middle school graduation was a quick transition for another reason. The first few months of my freshman year had my parents rushing my grandfather in and out of the hospital because of his failing heart. By this point my grandfather had battled off colon cancer, 3 heart attacks, and 2 open heart surgeries. At age 74 he was not a candidate for a heart transplant but he was able to get a defibrillator.…
Prior to high school, my middle school recommended that I attend “Grant High School”, which was looked down upon by my parents due to its reputation. Grant High School only has a 78% graduation rate. My father had been planning on surprising me with an opportunity of a lifetime and began planning since I was in 7th grade. I left my friends and current life behind to move to a place called Oak Park to attend Oak Park High School, which is ranked in the top 100 public schools in the nation and a graduation rate of 99%. I truly believe this is the reason I am here at San Diego State University today, because I was given an opportunity I may not have received by attending Grant High School.…
Everybody changes once they enter high school. One of the ways I have changed once I entered high school was my personality I am not afraid to say what's in my mind. I have also changed the way I dress and look. My personality has changed because before I was in high school and I was in middle school I use to be very shy and quiet.…
I have personally grow as an individual since I took my first steps into high school, from only worrying about school to becoming more involved in my community. Academics has always and will always be my number one focus, but it will not be my only focus. My only focus fas a freshman was my grades because I did not think I could handle extracurricular activities while maintaining excellent grades; however, I was wrong. As the end of freshman year approached, I decided to try out for volleyball and expand my knowledge and interests, which have sparked my involvement in other extracurricular activities my junior year, joining student council, National Honor Society, and DECA. Student council has prepared me for real life situations and has taught…
A dilemma that I faced, and still am facing is simply the decision about what I want to do with my life after my high school career. In my freshman year of high school my goal was simply to get through the year in one piece. I was forced to conform to my new environment and all the strict rules that came along with it. Along with that it was the sudden transition from being the "big dogs" as eighth graders at my middle school to being "fresh-meat" in my first year high school. With so much attention placed on me as a freshman like on the varsity basketball team, where I was constantly forced to prove my worth to the coach and the players, to stepping out of my comfort zone and performing in a mandatory play for the rest of the the school as…
Transitioning from high school to college is difficult. There is a huge increase in amount of homework. Quizzes, tests and midterms are harder compare to high school. Writing at the college level is difficult for me because English is my second language. Figuring out what I was planning to major in was the hardest part because I entered college not knowing what I was interested in doing.…
Before high school, I always thought I was an average student, but when I transitioned into high school, people started to point out that I had potential. I began to work harder than I had ever before and I began to accelerate in every course. This never took a toll on me till the tenth grade, when my mental health started degrading. Anxiety was my first foe. During the beginning of the tenth grade, I had set high expectations for myself and it began to affect my life greatly For instance, after finishing the test, I would think about just one specific question that I thought I completed wrong.…
“I know applying to colleges is the last thing you want to do right now, but you might change your mind,” a trusted friend told me. It was December of my senior year of high school, and college application deadlines were approaching quickly. I was recovering from a major illness at the time, and wasn’t ready to think about college. My plan was to spend a year living at home and working before I pursued higher education. In the following months, my recovery progressed rapidly.…
Growing up I always dreamed of being a college football player and making it big. I thought it would all come so easy until I entered high school. My grades started dropping, I started getting into more trouble, but I did meet an amazing girl through all of it. High school changed my whole outlook on life. I can take all the lessons I learned throughout the past few years and use them to help guide me through life and make me want to always try my best at anything I do or have to do.…
My life began to spiral downward before fifth grade began. I found myself an endless loop over summer vacation of waking up, experiencing the day as a blur, sleep, then repeat. This drove me to discover a new way to spend my day. On the television I noticed a recurring advertisement for a game called ‘World of Warcraft’. At first I instilled the mindset that I could spend my time pragmatically but eventually I succumbed to boredom.…
Growing up I was always the tallest kid in the class. Whenever class picture day rolled around, I knew that I was in the front of the line because of my height. It was somewhat embarrassing when all the boys were shorter than I, and the girls made me feel bad for how out of place I was. Not only did my height provide social awkwardness, it also administered the constant, never ending struggle of finding garments long enough. Whenever my mom or grandmothers wanted to take me back to school shopping, I made excuses of “I don’t need any more habiliments” or “I do not feel good, all of the sudden…”…
When I first started Planning 10, I didn't know a lot about what the course was going to be about or include. I thought that it wasn't a very important course and that it was just something I had to take in order to graduate. It turns out that I was completely wrong. Now that I am finished the course, I now know how to use 2.0 Web Tools, manage money, live in healthy relationships, and write a resume.…
I’ve had many positive experiences in my life, but my experience joining the Air Force and completing Basic Training had the greatest impact. I did not take high school seriously, because I signed to join the Air Force in my junior year of high school. Since I knew where I was going, I did not feel the need to apply myself in all my classes. I did just enough to graduate high school. Then September came, the month I left to Basic Military Training.…