Personal Narrative: Lessons Learned From Failure

Improved Essays
The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
For a long time in my life I have felt like a failure. I let the failure consume me and eventually scare me out of trying new things and discovering the greatness I could have done. This long term failure brought a fear that “I was not good enough” for what the world could offer me. Through this fear I was lead to miss opportunities that came my way.
This fear began my 8th grade year when I joined the track team. As a beginning track runner I started strong; my time for the 100 meter run was almost a 12 flat with my 200 meter being 28.66. These times
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From my eighth grade year I did so well I was moved up to Guitar II. Playing guitar was less than a challenged due to my skill in piano at the time. Guitar came almost naturally. Unfortunately, I got too confident a moved onto Guitar III earlier than I should have. As a result I was behind and the slowest learner in the class. I was ostracized once again by a fellow classmate who was better than I. I was prepared to move back down a level, but due to school policy I could not, my teacher thought it best for me to find a different hobby. I left school that day like a failure for the 2nd time in my life.
For the next few years of my life I let the fear of failing control my decisions. I would opt out of situations for the sole fear of failing. At my core I was broken. My parents would not give up on me though. They forced me to continue my playing piano and introduced me to art class. Art class made me confident again. From my drawing I expressed how I felt and the drawing were great and my teacher at the time was extremely supportive. She entered me in drawing competitions and taught me how great everything could be with effort. I was not afraid to fail anymore instead I was curious to see just how far I could

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