B.) As stories emerged from the war torn regions of europe the world was able to see how harsh, extreme, and inhumane work camps were.
C.) Party spectrum is already spreding thier extreme, incomplete platform.
D.) Parties, although great, can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.
E.) With the new addition to the family, Ryan a beautiful baby boy, the house became crowded.
F.) After years of being held prisoner in a work camp, Ivan Denisavich was liberated and told his brave story.
G.) Im really mean, despite being called an angel by friends, people just think im sarcastic.
H.) If a person who is stressed out and trusts you [no comma] you should listen.
I.) the crowd looked in awe [no comma] as the ball flew threw the players hands. …show more content…
K.) I praise the UHS kids that can balance school [no comma] and a social life.
L.) My birthday is Feburary 6, 2000, and my first compettion falls on Feburary 6, 2016.
M.) December 2014 was not a happy time for members of my family, but we all look forward to december