The remaining fifteen thousand dollars will be spent on personal items to make up for my lost time. Since football was no longer an option, I had to find another hobby to fill that void. Fishing did just that. I fish every chance I get, no matter where I am. The items I would spend some of the money on would include a bass boat (“2010 Tracker Pro”), a fishing reel (“Abu Garcia”), and a sonar (“Garmin”). These things would help increase the size and the amount of fish I catch. I would also purchase a marine Yeti cooler (“Yeti”) to bring with me on my fishing trips to keep drinks cool or to prevent fish I keep from going bad. On those days where I have no one to go fishing with me, I would buy a chocolate lab (“Labrador”) to accompany me. Although I have never personally owned one, my grandparents had one when I was little and I have had the desire to own one ever
The remaining fifteen thousand dollars will be spent on personal items to make up for my lost time. Since football was no longer an option, I had to find another hobby to fill that void. Fishing did just that. I fish every chance I get, no matter where I am. The items I would spend some of the money on would include a bass boat (“2010 Tracker Pro”), a fishing reel (“Abu Garcia”), and a sonar (“Garmin”). These things would help increase the size and the amount of fish I catch. I would also purchase a marine Yeti cooler (“Yeti”) to bring with me on my fishing trips to keep drinks cool or to prevent fish I keep from going bad. On those days where I have no one to go fishing with me, I would buy a chocolate lab (“Labrador”) to accompany me. Although I have never personally owned one, my grandparents had one when I was little and I have had the desire to own one ever