“Hey, you’ll be okay this steers got nothing on you.” I then remembered when I used to be scared of thunderstorms. I used to hide under the table like a scared puppy until my dad would show me the thunderstorm had nothing on me and that it could never hurt me, …show more content…
So in a not so confident walk, I forcefully ignored my fears and shakily walked to the chute, climbed over, tied the rope around my right hand, lifted my left arm, and waited. While I waited for as long as what felt like an eternity everyone around was either cheering me on or getting ready to pull the chute open and I sat there feeling all the fear I tried to ignore build up inside me. I tried to calm down by breathing in and out drowning out all of the noise the crowd, the steer, the airplane flying above the fairgrounds, everything except my heavy breaths weighing me down like an anchor which were probably destroying the steer’s