As I approached the teacher, other staff and principal about the issues we, EA’s, were experiencing, not only was I ignored, I was told “we just don’t have the funding until we have a diagnoses.” My first thoughts to this ignorant rejection was, you all are so full of crap, and then I started to brainstorm. I am a very unconventional human, and I tend to seek out the abnormal things in life. With Julieann’s needs I had to be very thoughtful of her while pushing her onwards and back into a classroom setting. With the so called limited funds, I made a plan for Julieann and I to execute before she could potently be held back and forgotten about. Gathering a few house hold items and coming up with the plan, Julianne and I started on an adventure called the Tinkerbell project. The project consisted of an egg timer that would aid Julieann with time management, a bell to ring when she was ready to transition, and lots of positive reinforcement. Our deadline was Julieann’s 6th birthday, and by then she would be not only aware of her body boundaries but …show more content…
I was to preoccupied with Julieann, and how I could assist her in any way to be concerned about another adult’s feelings. It would not be until Julieann was reintroduced back into the classroom setting, that I would receive an invitation to a meeting, the meeting was about me. All of a sudden everything about me was up for the chopping block. My unconventional approach to a made up ‘financial” issue was questioned. My heart, my mind, my views were torn apart and analyzed and by a team of people who thought they knew what they were doing, but did they? Right then and there I felt as though I was Julieann, I was exactly what didn’t fit to their normal. So this is what it was like being on the receiving end of a school bully, a know it all, an ill-informed resistant to change Hitler. In front of me were seasoned professional educators picking on me because I chose to stand up when everyone else sat down, and I am on the receiving end of their professional opinion? The meeting came to a halt when I finally had a chance to speak and word vomit came flooding out. I left that meeting leaving “those people” with a mouth full of putrid verbal