Personal Narrative: All About Me

Improved Essays
March four two thousand sixteen
All About Me All About Me

Up until now I have lived a pretty simple and what i consider boring life. I was born in California and lived in mexico, back in california, and finally in idaho. I wanted to go to california for college until i realized is was ridiculously expensive. I consider the most interesting thing about me is that i did every big life event kind of young. Because of the way i chose to live my life i magnified my shyness. It is something i am working on. Overall my life has been dull up until this moment.
I am proud of and consider myself someone who grew up fast. A number of events contributed to this. In my education I was always the youngest of all my peers. That was because
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I think that has a mixture of the way i was raised and my personality. I am the only girl in my family. When I was younger i would be more interactive with other people, but as time when on i became more introverted. In my neighborhood there was no one to hang out with and i did not have a good relationship with my brothers so i spent a lot of time alone in my room. When i started working i did have to interact with more people because i was a waitress, but i could never hold a conversation other than what 's on the menu. Throught high school i had three really good friends that i would spend the entire school time with, and some weekends, but other than that i remained alone. When I met my husband it only isolated me more. We started our relationship long distance. He lived in mexico and i lived in idaho. I would spend the majority of my free time skyping and calling him. When i started college my husband was not able to move to pocatello with me so i stayed in the turner dorm rooms. Living there i was able to meet new people and make new friends who i would see on a daily basis. When my husband moved to pocatello i became isolated again. We got a house together and he works every day till six. So most of the day i am by myself just doing what i need to …show more content…
I am improving my confidence by improving the way i feel about myself and getting involved. Now that i dont live with my brothers our relation ships have inmproved. We are no longer fighting. Our family is growing with sister in laws and nephews. Now i have people i can talk to . I want to completely eliminate my shyness because one day i want to own my own business and people skills are extremely important for that. Since the only work experience i had is with my parents i was able to realize two things. I don 't want to follow someone else 's schedule and i never ever again want to work in a restaurant. My goal is to graduate college a confident young woman ready to take on the

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