Pathos In Blackfish Documentary

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Blackfish is a documentary directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite, released in 2013. Blackfish is a documentary about a killer whale named Tilikum that has killed several individuals and the issues within keeping killer whales in captivity. The documentary is filled with experiences from former trainers that have worked with the aggressive whales in the past and several experts that have worked with orcas all of their lives. This documentary is showing that the killer whale’s aggression in SeaWorld is provoked from captivity, which goes to show we should not bring wild animals outside of their normal habitat for entertainment. The type of techniques Blackfish uses within the rhetorical appeal ethos is showing several different former trainers, …show more content…
One example of pathos within the documentary is when they are showing the baby whales being taken away from their families which happens a couple times within the movie. The former diver presented in the documentary was hired to take capture killer whale babies. The whales knew the people were attempting to capture them. To throw the hunters off, knowing they wanted the baby whales, the males went one way and the mom and babies went inland. The hunters were notified by the pilots that followed them. From here the hunters had to net the babies away from their mothers to capture them. The former diver noticed the whales had more emotions than expected because he saw the other mothers and babies staying around the captured whale. Another example of this is when a baby killer whale was being taken away from its mother at SeaWorld to be shipped to another park. The mother stayed in a corner for days making a call that the trainers have never heard before. Experts were brought in to examine the whale’s call and they diagnosed it as a long ranged call that no one has ever witnessed before. There are also several techniques that Blackfish uses that contains logos. There is a difference in opinion to what SeaWorld is saying versus what the experts and trainers are saying is true. The neglect of SeaWorld telling the trainers what the background of Tilikum was, caused another death. SeaWorld was saying the death of the trainers …show more content…
Some claims that Blackfish are making are when left in captivity whales are likely to get aggressive and Tilikum, claimed to have killed three individuals, was used to breed so over 50 whales have his aggressive genes. Within the documentary, the claims are clear and well stated. The documentary is relying on objectivity within their claims. The evidence of the documentary prove that if you take a whale out of their natural habitat, they will become more aggressive. There have been no records in the past showing that any individual has been killed by a killer whale when in the ocean. Before the whales became more aggressive, there were specific behaviors that were happening leading up to this. For example, Tilikum was told to do a parameter wave around the pool. Once finished, Dawn blew a whistle that signaled to Tilikum that he performed well and to come back for food. He did not hear this cue so he went around another time. Since Tilikum did not do what was told he was not offered food which triggered the aggressiveness. The show before this was had to be canceled because the whales were not listening to the

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