PTSD In The Kite Runner

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Before delving into the psychological impact of terrorism in the characters of The Kite Runner, it is important to understand the social context of the novel by examining the series of events that led to the emergence of the Taliban and the implementation of the strict Sharia law. Beginning with the Soviet Union’s military invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the conflict between the Afghan communist government and the anti-communist Muslim population became much more violent. Moreover, the United States decided to take measure to prevent the Soviet from increasing in power, as it feared the newfound advantage the Soviet would have in the Cold War. It thus provided an abundance of military weapons for insurgencies known as the Mujahedeen, as they …show more content…
It is a distressing emotion aroused in situations of danger, helplessness, and pain. In general, fear is essential for survival. However, the aim of terrorists is to manipulate this primitive feeling and hopefully elevate it to a level where it becomes detrimental to a person’s survival. When a person experiences overwhelming fear, it can result in severe mental illnesses like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a clinical disorder attributed to individuals who experience a traumatic event that seriously disrupt their lives. In the case of terrorism, both direct and indirect victims are increasingly vulnerable to being diagnosed with PTSD, which will disrupt their lives for years. The success behind terrorism lies in the power of the media, which intends to inform the population of an ongoing tragic event. However, the constant broadcasting of horrifying events further worsen the already vulnerable mind of the victims who are diagnosed with PTSD. More importantly, children are far more susceptible to terrorism than adults, as not only are they more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD, but the psychological toll PTSD can have on them can be more difficult to treat. While the characters in The Kite Runner witness first-hand the cruelty of the Taliban, they are also subjected to violence. Thus, the characters are both direct and indirect victims of

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