Cowley, Robert, and Geoffrey Parker. The Reader's Companion to Military History. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1996. Print. The book, The Reader's Companion to Military History, gives a broad overview of Operation Barbarossa, yet also highlights the details of the event. Readers can quickly compile common information about the topic, such as when did Operation Barbarossa take place and where did it occur. More complex information about the topic (how the operation led to Germany’s fall and how its fall became the turning point in World War 2) can also be found in the book.
It is a great reference choice due to the author’s unbiased point of view that talks about both parties: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The reputation of its …show more content…
"10 Shocking Ways the Second World War Could Have Ended Differently."
Gizmodo. Gawker Media, 4 Apr. 2014. Web. 6 Sept. 2016.
This web article by George Dvorsky shows his own professional analysis of the World War 2. It connects the sequence of events that occurred before, during, and after World War 2 that has shaped the world it is today. The significance of Operation Barbarossa is very highlighted in this article.
It is a great reference choice due to the author’s reputation as a credible bioethics and futurist. The publisher of this article, “Gawker Media”, is also a well-known organization in its field. I intend to use this reference by pointing out the significance of Operation Barbarossa that has been highlighted. By using this reference, I can also use the author’s own professional ideas and give him the proper credit.
Luther, Craig W., Dr. "The Significance of Operation Barbarossa." Barbarossa 1941. N.p., 14
July 2016. Web. 27 Aug. 2016.
This web article by Dr. Craig W. Luther gives detailed information on the significance of Operation Barbarossa. It does not focus only on the overall effects of the war that affected Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, but also the whole Eastern