I always swore to myself that I would never have a career in the medical field. What inspired me to pursue a career in occupational therapy is Misty Wilson. Misty was my OT when I was in the RAPS program for four weeks. During this time I built a bond with her and a realization came over me. I knew that I wanted to have that impact on someone. I always knew I wanted to help people but I wasn’t sure how. Occupational therapy gives me the opportunity to help others and impact their lives. Not only do I want to be an OT but I would like to work with kids with Amplified Pain Syndrome.
Misty Wilson works as an occupational therapist at Kansas City Children’s Mercy Hospital. Misty works in the Rehabilitation of Amplified Pain Syndrome (RAPS). She works in this program 3 days a week. When she isn’t helping with RAPS she’s up working with patients staying in the hospital. Misty also works with babies for feeding therapy.
What inspired Misty to pursue occupational therapy was because she had a friend that who was excited to go to work everyday. By …show more content…
Children go into the program having anxiety and depression, being able to show them how strong they are is a beautiful thing. Funniest/Unusual thing that’s happened on the job is climbing a fence with two patients (I climbed the fence with her). It was the day after the Royals had won the World Series and for an outing we decided to watch the parade. All of the streets were absolutely clustered with people in blue shirts. To reach our destination we had to climb over a fence. The one thing Misty doesn’t enjoy about the job is all of the paperwork. Occupational therapist are required to document just about everything. Misty loves her job and couldn’t imagine herself doing anything