Occupational Therapy Challenges

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Throughout my life the phrase, “You can’t quit now, you’ve already made it this far” has been thrown around by my coaches, teachers, family members and friends. It has been this constant reminder that I should always push onward through the challenges I face in life. The challenges that make it difficult to want to persevere and cause me to struggle to reach my goals. It was this constant reminder, that no matter the challenges that we face in our lives, the struggles that may set us back from our daily routines or the problems that may arise throughout our journey, we can overcome them, push them behind us, and advance onward with our life in happiness. I’ve come to discover that this simple phrase of not quitting because you’ve made it so …show more content…
No one person’s case is ever the same as someone else’s. You are always seeing and learning something new in this field, whether it be new research that has emerged, new diseases or conditions that you have never dealt with before, new therapeutic techniques that you want to try, or simply just hearing a new story from a client. This is the career that I can see myself waking up in the morning and being excited to go into work. My level of creativity and interest in psychology makes for an excellent match with occupational therapy as it incorporates a wide range of psychological factors and requires you to understand people both mentally and physically. Academically, the knowledge that I have acquired over the years has helped to prepare me for what is ahead in this program as well as for my future career, as it spans all aspects of the human body focusing mainly on its physical functions but also a large contribution to the psychological functions as well. I’ve taken multiple psychology classes and each time I become increasingly interested in learning new information about the brain and how it functions. Developmental illnesses and dementia are two of the major topics that I’m fascinated with and want to be able to do research on. My goal is to be able to uncover a new understanding that may spark some insight on how to …show more content…
My strong ability to be able to relate to people on an emotional aspect through observing, communicating and interacting with them to better understand their situation is a characteristic I feel will help me to accomplish this goal in life . To be able to hear someone say that I helped turn their life around for the better, or allowed them to become independent and enjoy life again will simply show that I did my job, but most importantly will bring me eternal joy. Many people say they entered the field of Occupational Therapy because they enjoy helping people, but I feel like there is so much more behind just helping them. You form a relationship with each and every one of your clients on a personal level and become engulfed in each others lives throughout the time spent with one another. Sessions are filled with ups and downs and you are there to act as a support system for each client in need. You spend a large amount of time with certain clients during a vulnerable period in their life and this can create a lasting effect on how they later view their life and the people who helped guide them through it. Making an impact on someone’s life may be easier than I think in this career, but I hope to be able to do it with each and every one of my

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