When looking at pragmatic development the children were beginning to independently use these skills on their own with some prompting from caregivers. Observation showed that the age group was still in an egocentric stage seeing things mainly from only their side. This was evident when children interacted with one another. They would often become frustrated if the other children didn’t want to play the same game they did or did not play it in the manner that they wanted. Although this showed that pragmatics have not fully developed the use of polite speech throughout the classroom reinforced the idea that at this age pragmatics are beginning to develop as children grow in their use of social communication. Often their use of polite language was better with the caretakers than with their peers. The children would often use please and thank you when asking for something from their caretakers. If they failed to use this type of language towards their peers and a caretaker overheard, the caretaker would often correct the
When looking at pragmatic development the children were beginning to independently use these skills on their own with some prompting from caregivers. Observation showed that the age group was still in an egocentric stage seeing things mainly from only their side. This was evident when children interacted with one another. They would often become frustrated if the other children didn’t want to play the same game they did or did not play it in the manner that they wanted. Although this showed that pragmatics have not fully developed the use of polite speech throughout the classroom reinforced the idea that at this age pragmatics are beginning to develop as children grow in their use of social communication. Often their use of polite language was better with the caretakers than with their peers. The children would often use please and thank you when asking for something from their caretakers. If they failed to use this type of language towards their peers and a caretaker overheard, the caretaker would often correct the