Through my research and findings of obedience to authority this ancient dilemma is somewhat confusing but needs understanding. Problem with obedience to authority has raised a question to why people obey or disobey and if there are any right time to obey or not to obey. Through observation of many standpoints on obedience and disobedience to authority, and determined through detailed examination conducted by Milgram “The Perils Of Obedience,” Doris Lessing “Group Minds” and Jim Jones “Jonestown The Peoples Temple.” We have to examine this information in hopes of understanding or at least be able to draw our own theories that can be supported and proven on this subject.
The first theory I read was a piece …show more content…
Doris explains in her article that people in the western world live in a free society and claim they make their own decisions and be individuals; while we claim of freedom of individuality. Therefore Lessing argues we take it for grated and conform groups. She says we share views of those around us and we find it hard to understand social laws that come in groups (Doris Lessing). Lessing declares “When we’re in a group, everyone tends to think as that group do...but, we also find our thinking obeying because we belong to a group organization”(Lessing 652). I Believe that no one relizes that their opinion are of becoming dismissed just because they want to fit. New-comers insist on becoming accepted and as a result of that, we tend to forget about our own opinions, whether we agree or disagree. But, should we obey the purpose of authority or forming a group that causes you to form an opinion to whom are closer than the rest of a group. Are we ready as a group to represent the best with any task being thrown to us. The question is the people of the authority are put in serious and uncomfortable situations. Facts that we have had lots of information by us discovers ourselves as the authority and enforcing obedience. People in a group have different causes which seem to have taken effect their minds, changing, but not knowing what’s to happen first, because they’re in a group. Lessing continues on to relate more to group minds. She says, “Right, if that’s what human beings are like, myself including, then let’s admit it, examine and organize our attitudes accordingly”(Lessing blog-spot). Never less, this has no interesting acts because she proposes the idea that we should all think the same. Everyone is their own person and everyone should make their own choices. Obeying takes time for humans to focus on one