2. People sacrifice conversation for connection because as technology become more advance, it just easier for conversation from a touch of a button. We as a society has become so dependent on connecting through social media that we forget to have conversations with the person right next to us. As were all connected to social media, we have in the back of our mind that we can communicate with someone in a touch of a button. We choose to take the easy way out and contact with them through social media rather than having a face-to-face conversation. We chose to bond …show more content…
I agree because we rely too much on technology. We can call someone without even pressing a button. Why bother checking the news for weather when I can just check my phone? There is literally an application for anything. We expect technology to do everything for us that the need for human assistant isn’t required. I’ve have seen people lose weight because they followed an app rather than hire a personal trainer. Anything that we could possibly need is at the touch of a finger tips. In the future, every job will be run by machine. Regardless if it’s a job as a fast food worker, teacher or doctor, we will be replaced by machine because we choose not to rely on