North Carolina Farmer In Bigotry

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In recent months there has been much discussion surrounding North Carolina’s controversial new bill that prohibits transgender individuals from using public restrooms for the gender they identify as, and also bans cities from passing antidiscrimination laws. This new bill, naturally, sparked a number of different opinions. For instance, the editorial “Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry” by the New York Times heavily criticizes the law for reinforcing and validating negative narratives of transgender people. In contrast, The Daily Wire article “5 Times Transgender Men Abused Women and Children in the Bathroom” is a conservative piece that criticizes the liberal point of view and justifies North Carolina’s by citing specific …show more content…
Everyone who is not transgender and allowed to use the bathroom of their gender legally, is automatically privileged. Never will non-transgender individuals ever walk into the bathroom of their gender worrying about legality. Never will a non-transgender walk into a public bathroom and be judged, leered at, or observed with a careful eye. The New York Times editorial board article “Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry” writes, “By promoting the ludicrous idea that transgender women are inherently dangerous, the law endangers citizens who are already disproportionately vulnerable to violence and stigmatization.” According to this source, the law reinforces the narrative and oppression against transgender people. Those unprivileged, transgendered people, are further negatively affected and susceptible to violence by those with power. Additionally, “5 Times Transgender Men Abused Women and Children in the Bathroom” which clearly agrees with North Carolina’s decision, and “This is Not about Jim Crow,” which does not think this issue is that important and criticizes the federal government, are all operating under privilege because writers Amanda Prestigiacomo and David Harsanyi are not transgender. Their views are formed without the experience of facing oppression that a law like this creates. While in some …show more content…
Culture is the communicative process and way of life for groups of people, which inform different beliefs, values, and behaviors. All opinions, and thus the differing points of view on this topic, are influenced by culture. Therefore, in this situation there are multiple cultures functioning and working in regards to both the issue itself and the accounts of the issue. For one, people who identify as transgender are apart of a culture and community that no one outside can truly understand, including people in the media writing and reporting on the controversy. Moreover, it is notable that North Carolina has a southern cultural mentality, which is significant because southern culture typically emphasizes traditional values. Meaning, their culture is influencing their less accepting nature towards transgender bathroom usage. Also importantly, different political cultures certainly influence the opinions surrounding North Carolina’s law, which is highlighted in the vast contrast between opinions in “5 Times Transgender Men Abused Women and Children in the Bathroom” and Prestigicomo’s “Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry.” The former is found on the Daily Wire, which is a socially and politically conservative outlet, whereas the later is from the New York Times, who in the past has been accused of having a liberal

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