All of theses reactions was needed in ordered to be prepared for the lab experiment. Before the lab began it was necessary to follow the lab safety rules by wearing a lab coat, googles, and gloves. There were nine unknown chemicals in nine plastic droppers labeled from one to nine sitting at the label tables. There were nine clean test tubes that were provided in order to mix the chemicals together. 10 drops of each unknown chemical was added when being mixed in test tube to perform a reaction. From the 36 mixtures there were certain mixtures that formed a colored precipitate i.e. white, black, brown, cream, and cloudy reactions were occurring. The reagent that was able to form the most precipitate was AgNO3 making the process of determining the compounds easier. After all of the solutions were determined the test tubes were washed with distilled water three times and put in to the waste bucket and the lab area was cleaned up by putting back the plastic dropper back in to place and wiping the counter …show more content…
There is a solubility table that is able to help determine the solutions solubility. When there is a mixture with two solutions the result solution of that mixture would either be a soluble reaction or an insoluble reaction. The solubility or the insolubility of the reaction can be determined by the precipitate. In lecture ionic equation examples were shown which helped to do the Pre-Lab questions and the Pre-Lab questions were helpful in seeing which out of the 36 mixtures or equations are soluble and which ones are insoluble. With the help of the Pre-Lab question that were done with full understanding it was simple and very easy to determine the results of the nine unknown solutions added together. 11 out of the 36 mixtures were insoluble and because we found this out by solving the Pre-Lab questions when 10 drops on each solution were mixed and a formation of a reaction was formed the chemical for that reaction was estimated to be one of the 11 mixtures with the precipitate colors. In Lab the test tubes that were used was rinsed with distilled water tree times and put into the bin of used test tube. A new thing that was learned in was was the fact that the test tubes were put in to the used test tube bin and not used after the rinse with distilled water. The second very important thing that was learned in lab was if the test tubes aren’t cleaned well enough then there is a high