Corporate social responsibility is essential to all corporations and how they are viewed by the public. Along with corporate social responsibility, sustainability is also very important to a corporation’s success. New Belgium Brewing has taken sustainability and corporate social responsibility into consideration in their everyday business practices. The corporate culture of New Belgium Brewing will be detailed explaining how they handle environmental issues that may arise, and why they have taken such a strong stance. Also, New Belgium Brewing has competitive advantages over other brewing companies due to their strong corporate culture. Lastly, if an alcoholic beverage producing company can be socially responsible. …show more content…
The amount of water that is needed in the process of brewing beer is substantial. Per their website, New Belgium Brewing feels that a healthy and reliable watershed must be protected, not only for the company but also for the community (Fat Tire). N.B.B. feels so strongly about this, they partnered with the Clean Water Fund to initiate the Save the Colorado Campaign in 2009 (Fat Tire). Not only does the campaign work to protect the river, they also donate money, raise awareness and promote water conservation. Their website details the progress that has been made and outlines plans for continuing to conserve water (Fat Tire). Water conservations is not the only way they work with water used by their plants. At least one site has a water treatment plant that treats water but also produces methane gas. The biogas produced is then piped back into the plant to power heat and power engines (Fat Tire). Water is not the only resource that they try to conserve and reduce, this thought process also applies to their waste. Focusing on the waste produced and how to divert it from landfills is what will be discussed …show more content…
Social responsibility on the part of New Belgium brewing has not been restricted to reducing harm to the environment. New Belgium Brewing started a philanthropy program in 1995, and started a philanthropy committee (Fat Tire). Since the creation to these two entities, more than $8 million dollars has been donated their grant programs, and their employees have donated over 2,700 hours in community service (Fat Tire). Throughout my research, it has become apparent that not only is this their corporate culture but their efforts have become a part of the culture of their employees. The competitive advantage that this provides is that not only does the corporation show they are committed to giving back they also have instilled this value in their employees. Showing that they not only care for the environment in which they operate but also care for their employees shows consumers that they are a passionate and caring corporation. The culture they have created will also drastically reduces the overturn within the company because they take care of their employees. Low overturn in a corporation also signals that the employees care about their jobs, and devotion will be passed onto the consumer through their products and community