Assess the impact of Nero’s principate on Rome Nero, son of Agrippina the Younger and Domitius Ahenobarbus, had a substantial impact on the principate of Rome, as the last of the Princeps in the line of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. The ‘early years’ of his rule have been generally considered to be his ‘good’ years, before he started ruling extremely autocratically, which ultimately led to his downfall. Nero was proclaimed Princeps at the early age of sixteen. Despite his young age, he maintained a decent relationship with the senate during the first few years of his reign, however ancient sources believe this was due to the advisors and guides who assisted his Principate. Seneca and Burrus were both appointed by his mother Agrippina the Younger into important positions as Nero’s advisor and Prefect of the Praetorian Guard respectively, to support Nero’s reign.…
Rome’s Impact on Western Civilization The Roman society was very advanced and set precedents for other nations to follow. In modern Western civilization the affects Rome has made can be seen. Rome has influenced things that we see in our daily life: The methods used to create roads; The Roman Catholic religion; The modern day law.…
It is said that "Rome burned while Nero fiddled." In 64 AD, when he was in control of the Roman Empire, Nero asked the Senate for a plot of land upon which he could build his masterpiece, the Domus Aurea, or the Golden House. The Senate denied his proposal; this angered the emperor to no end, and soon after, the exact place which he was refused mysteriously burned to the ground. Only four of Rome's fourteen districts were not damaged by the flames. Immediately, the citizens of Rome suspected Nero to be the culprit of the crime.…
Throughout the course of history, many different civilizations had major influences in developing their cultures and shaping our world to the way it is at present. Majority of the biggest and most influential civilizations were from the same continent, Europe. Civilizations such as the Ancient Greeks, Persians and Mesopotamians represented an important chunk of European history. However, it is unquestionable to say that the Roman Civilization had a major impact in shaping the European history, mainly because of the big size of its empire and the longer period that they…
The gladiator was an armed fighter, who fought in the arenas to entertain audiences thought-out the Roman Empire from 264AD-404CE. “The term gladiator derives from the Latin gladiatores in reference to their principal weapon the gladius or short sword.” The majority of the gladiators were slaves fighting against other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals. The origins of gladiators and the gladiator games are often disputed, but gladiators were believed to have started from the Etruscan civilization for religious purposes. For the Roman Empire, the “gladiator games were an opportunity for Emperors and rich aristocrats to display their wealth to the populace, to commemorate military victories, mark visits from important officials,…
Three of the greatest rulers of Rome were Augustus, Alexander the Great and Pericles. Each of these men had different leadership styles. Alexander was skilled on the battlefield, Pericles transformed Athens and Augustus was considered to be the most influential in the development of Rome. Augustus reigned from 27 BC—AD 14.…
The city of Rome was founded in 753 B.C.E and blossomed into a successful Republic, covering the entire Italian peninsula, stretching to cover North Africa, Spain and what is now Southern France. The Republic ended in 27 B.C.E and established an Empire with the assassination of Julius Caesar. From here, Rome had many emperors, leading Rome to expand even further than the Republic. Many of these great emperors were just that; great. Others were corrupt or entirely insane.…
Julius Caesar is upheld as one of the most influential politicians of European history. Caesar was truly influential for every man and women of Rome. Caesar was successful in the battle field and had a large group of dedicated followers, but more importantly Caesar caused some anger and some extreme hatred towards himself. Julius Caesar was assassinated because the people of Rome stood firmly against a tyrant, rumors regarding Julius Caesar caused fear and uncertainty of Rome’s future, and people had personal vindications against Caesar himself. Romans prided themselves on their involvement in their government with their right to vote.…
Much of any political leader’s success can be attributed to public image. Without the support of those under one’s power, one’s authority does not last long. As Augustus finalized Rome’s transition from a republic to an empire, his public image through military success, information on his private life, and various forms of propaganda—and the subsequent support from the people—was the basis of his power. A leader’s performance while commanding an army was an essential part in winning loyalty from both the senate and the people. A great deal of respect was earned through success in battle, and was equated to a man’s ability to lead in government.…
This essay will discuss the question of whether equestrians were more important than senators in the running of the empire. Here, I have interpreted importance to mean the degree to which they were integral to Roman imperial administration. That being said, I shall evaluate the role of both the Senate and individual equestrians under the Julio-Claudian emperors. I will investigate Augustus’ granting of rights to equestrians that permitted them to enter Egypt and Arminius being an equestrian in his youth, Tiberius’ attitude and role in treason trails and the role of Sejanus, Gaius’ relationship with the Senate, Claudius’ actions towards the Senate and his promotion of equestrians, and finally Nero’s relationship with the Senate and the role…
Even during PaxRomana (A long period from Augstus to Marcus Aurelius when the Roman empire was stable and relativly peaceful) there were 32,000 prostitutes in Rome. Emperors like Caligula and Nero became infamous for wasting money on lavish parties where guests drank and ate until they became sick. The most popular amusement was watching the gladiatorial combats in the Colosseum. There were many public health and environmental problems. Many of the wealthy had water brought to their homes through lead pipes.…
If there was one man in the history of the Roman Empire who had the greatest effect on the Roman population, it was surely Gaius Julius Caesar. Caesar, in his brief period in charge of Rome, made great improvements to the city and the lives of its inhabitants. His changes brought benefits to all the classes of Rome, from the plebs to the Nobiles, as well as setting up the Roman Empire for many more prosperous years to come. He made changes to all aspects of Rome, from the political system to the debt system to the calendar, as well as many others, nearly all of which benefited the Roman people.…
After ruling for 40 years as Rome’s first king, Romulus was believed to have been carried away into the sky, where he became a god. Romans were proud of their city that they were sure that the gods must have had a hand in its birth. (Chrisp, 2007 pg. 10) The Romans were proud of the works they had done especially their architecture. The Romans built some incredible buildings.…
Ancient Rome is important period of history for all modern societies, because of their influence in language, literature, religion, art, and our government and law. Rome conquered and controlled all the powerful countries of the old world, and united them all under Roman rule. As a result, they influenced a larger group of people with their cultures and beliefs. Rome was important to our current world because after the Roman Empire fell each state that was separated became states like France, Spain, Italy, and England. The Romans learned from their captured people, and many were look at like savages, but they converted them into civilized nations.…
The Roman theatre was a very important aspect of the traditional Ancient Roman lifestyle, every day 7,000 to 50,000 men, women, and children would pack into theatres and amphitheaters to enjoy dramas like Rudens and Mercator (but none you could see today), acrobatics, gladiator fights, athletics, naumachia (sea battles) and infantry battle reenactments, boxing matches, and venationes (animal brawls). Roman theatre first started to bloom in the year 240 BCE during the festival “Ludi Romani” in honor of The King of the Gods, Jupiter. The actors, or histriones of the time were only non-citizens, real citizens could only observe and enjoy. While theatre was still climbing to it’s peak there were two main methods of entertainment, Dramas and Farces (comedical work). These two forms were mostly influenced by Greek ideas, and Fabula- Atellana (Atellan Farces) with small tweaks to “Romanize” their productions.…