Non Music Exercise

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Exercising is essential to good health as a human. Generally speaking, the 7 billion people in this world have different mindsets and not all are determined to workout. However, those that are participants in this ambitious journey to a healthy life are separated into two groups. First group includes people who work out without music, second group is people who do listen to music when working out. Listening to music can be described as often changing, “... people’s perception of their own effort… It seems easier to run or do extra curls when Beyoncé or Eminem is there with you!” (Jabr). Without music, exercising can be unappealing, long, and painful to some people. Listening to music has been considered a legal performance enhancement. Considering that both are optional and could be beneficial to a healthier life; music is always the route to take for extra motivation and no music is best if you want to focus on proper technique. Music helps because each beat, lyric, and bass drop has an effect on a person’s mood, performance, and impacts the economy on the business aspect of it. Pursuing a healthy lifestyle starts with a determined mindset; always being in a mood to workout in order to maintain a good physique. Psychologists say, “music distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases endurance, [and] reduces perceived efforts” (Jabr). Without any audio, arriving at that same mood is still possible. It can be achieved a lot quicker with audio, therefore, enhancing each rep significantly. However, if any exerciser relies on music too much to influence a positive vibe for a workout, it can be dangerous. One day a rep can seem fairly easy and without music that same rep can become challenging without that same mood. Whatever helps reach that peak in each rep, continuing to do safe repetitions is the main goal overall. To make music more portable and at hand for each workout, companies continue to develop new technologies for those purposes. Headphone companies, advanced technological companies, and artists create content designed for exercising to continue making a sustainable profit. To keep up with the high demand of technology, “researchers and companies have experimented with new ways to motivate exercisers through their ears and apps,” meaning they are inspired to build revolutionary devices and apps for the masses (Jabr). Music producers and artists are inspired to make bass dropping songs that hypes people up. Exercisers lacking audio are motivated in a relativity close way, either they get pumped from their heart rate or they are driven by the continuous aches and pains. On the contrary, individuals refusing to use any technology may actually benefit as they do not have to struggle with the flaws that come with these acquired technologies. Flaws such as, app failures, loss of headphones, or irritation of headphones getting in the way, and earaches from the loud beats. Above all, this progression in technology being established results in more profit, doubling the amount of streaming …show more content…
Listening to music actually helps the economy more than destroy it because each and every day the technology industry grows exponentially. Hence, making non-music exercisers a negative in this situation. Listening to music leads to more streams, more streams follows more apps, more apps allows companies to develop, and ultimately results in a significant increase in jobs for regular people and artists. As of today, gym facilities would not be as popular, but people want to regain that feeling when exercising with music and their equipment. Therefore, it motivates them to be in attendance at the gym as many times as possible, rather than working out at home, outdoors, or not at …show more content…
However, if you decide to strictly listen to music, in order to prevent any loss of technique, overcome the music and become more aware of your form. Working out with high intensity and perfect form is excellent, but getting lost in the music can be detrimental to your muscles. Working out is an essential factor in getting in shape, being portrayed as healthy by doctors, and a high self-esteem. Finally, in comparison, both sides have their positives and negatives. Some might have to find a balance of music and no music within a workout to gain the perfect outcome in each rep. Use music for the inspiration to keep going, and turn it off to focus on technique to prevent injuries of any

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