Reconstruction soon began to fade because the support for it was weakened by the breakdown of the republican unity. This led to enforcement on reconstruction plan being lowered on the south. Beside that there were also other factors such as the bank failure that triggered a five year depression which also made the north lose interest on reconstruction. Another reason that led to the fade of reconstruction was that southern democrats began to regain power after the northern democrats lost power. Reconstruction soon was considered something of the past and never completed anything until large amounts of time passed. You may argue and say that reconstruction made the 13,14,15 amendment but those took large amounts of time to come into action and after reconstruction they were viewed as something of the past until the 20 century where they were referred to by leaders saying that they were promised rights but nothing happened. So we can come to a conclusion and say that reconstruction brought more bad than good and its positive effects later came in the future and not during that time
Reconstruction soon began to fade because the support for it was weakened by the breakdown of the republican unity. This led to enforcement on reconstruction plan being lowered on the south. Beside that there were also other factors such as the bank failure that triggered a five year depression which also made the north lose interest on reconstruction. Another reason that led to the fade of reconstruction was that southern democrats began to regain power after the northern democrats lost power. Reconstruction soon was considered something of the past and never completed anything until large amounts of time passed. You may argue and say that reconstruction made the 13,14,15 amendment but those took large amounts of time to come into action and after reconstruction they were viewed as something of the past until the 20 century where they were referred to by leaders saying that they were promised rights but nothing happened. So we can come to a conclusion and say that reconstruction brought more bad than good and its positive effects later came in the future and not during that time