Zig Ziglar once said, “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” College is very expensive nowadays and is harder to pay for than it was back then. College is a very hard thing to accomplish and a hard decision for individuals and their families. Even though college is worth going to, students still have to pay for college tuition, a place to live, and transportation which is all too expensive for them.…
As a child, when someone asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I would always answer that I want to help people. I might not have known at the time what the field of occupational therapy entailed, but I now know this is the field that will allow me to achieve my dreams of touching as many lives as I can. I believe that the best way to do great things is to make difference in someone else’s life and to love what you do. I believe that occupational therapy is the way I can truly make a difference and I can’t wait to be part of such a tremendously rewarding and diverse career by working closely with people and helping them progress closer to their goals of living an independent life My interest in occupational therapy began while pursuing…
Personal Statement For the longest time I aspired to be an Occupational Therapist. A month ago, I noticed that wasn’t the journey I desired to take. I kept asking myself, “why?” what made me heartfelt about that career in the first place?…
College Tuition Inflation, a Dilemma College has been described as almost necessity to prosper in the United States. Then why is it that tuition for college changes depending on how much your family earns? Or, why is it that majority of America either drops out of college or simply, does not attend? The ticket price of a higher education should not vary as much as it does. Even with this variation, there is still a struggle that occurs with many families.…
It is easy to take for granted the ability to complete everyday responsibilities. I chose Occupational Therapy because of the optimistic outlook of health-related challenges. OT meets my personal interests of serving people in a truly impactful way by targeting function at the highest level of independence possible for quality lifestyle, because disability should never obstruct potential for success. In preparation for achieving my short-term goal for application and acceptance into graduate school and long-term goal of owning my own practice, I looked to my mom and advisor for guidance. The values my mother demonstrates every day as a special education teacher and small business owner I have adopted as my own.…
It is my philosophy that hard work will always pay off sooner or later. Whether it be physical or mental, the reward is correspondent to the amount of effort put in. In 10th grade, I had back surgery that rendered my back weak. I set the very difficult goal of regaining my strength and working hard the next year in order to make varsity the following year. My ambition moved me to go to physical therapy and give it 110%.…
College is undeniebly expensive. Of course many people say that it's worth it, which I do not disagree with, but there is no need for schooling to be so pricey. The most expensive universities are typically liberal arts, which tends to offer a more in-depth view of knowledge through important principals. Because of this, I thrive to be able to attend a private, non-for-profit, liberal arts universtiy. However, it is, and I have to find ways to pay for my very important schooling.…
My freshman year of college I struggled greatly with the cost of college. I had moved out of my mother’s house and was living with my grandmother. I worked a part time job of 15 hours while taking 19 hours of school. Because I did not have my own place I was still considered under my mother’s income. My mother does not make very much money.…
Imagine helping people almost every day, and getting paid 70,000 dollars a year. I would like to be a physical therapist assistant. After high school my goal is to go to college to be a physical therapist assistant. I have chosen this career because I can stay close to home to work I don’t have to live seven to eight hours away from my parents. This career will allow me to do more things with my life.…
College is all everyone wants to talk about lately. Where are you going to school next year is asked on a daily basis. The obvious follow up is generally a question about what I am going to study. I have answered the questions enough times to have them memorized. The one question that has been tougher to answer; how are you going to pay for college.…
College tuition is a nightmare among people seeking a higher education. Tuition is not decreasing; in fact it has been on a rapid nonstop rise since 1978. College tuition is a growing concern since many of the job openings require some sort of college education to even be considered for the job. Today’s society has made college appear as requirement in order to succeed in life, but in order to succeed one must go bankrupted paying college tuition to prove ones successfulness. Even after miraculously paying for tuition there is no guarantee of a job opportunity.…
In fact, 75 percent of families say that college is too expensive (Morgan, 2012). Even with grants and loans, a middle-class student may still not be able to pay for college. The situation is even worse for students from low-income families. Their parents would get frightened over the thought of taking out loans and the student would drop/opt out of higher education to be part of the workforce. If the student did continue school, they would have to take on multiple jobs while balancing school, extracurricular activities, and family matters.…
Last spring, my sister turned to student loans to help cover the costs of going to UC Irvine, because without them, my family wouldn’t have had enough money to pay for her college. She’s one of the many high school seniors who have decided to fall upon external resources like scholarships, grants, and federal aid to reduce the burden of paying for university. Among these students, there are quite a few who struggle to pay those loans off since college expenses can often be very high. In fact, the United States has accumulated around $1.3 trillion in debt (“Quarterly Report on Household Debit and Credit 2017: Q4” 2) from student loans due to the number of students that apply for them and can’t repay them. While there are many high school students…
As college students continue through the system, the cost of college keeps increasing and more and more students find themselves in debt once they are finally through college. Of course there the options of financial aid, loans, and scholarships to balance out the cost of college for the students attending, but sometimes the money from these options isn’t quite enough or students find it difficult to attain such assistance in paying for college. When I attend college, I am mostly worried about not having enough money from scholarships to pay off my entire college career. Preferably, I would rather not pay for any of my college degree out of pocket, whether it be mine or my parents’. I fear having to ask them for money to finish paying of my college expenses, and then be in debt to…
Case Study #7 You are a fieldwork supervisor of an OT student in an acute care hospital. Your student asks you out for drinks after work. The type of problem would be an Ethical Distress since this “Occurs when situations challenge how a practitioner maintains his/her integrity or integrity of profession”( Behm D., Joanna, OT Ethical Standards). (Behm D., Joanna, OT Ethical Standards).…