You are a fieldwork supervisor of an OT student in an acute care hospital. Your student asks you out for drinks after work. The type of problem would be an Ethical Distress since this “Occurs when situations challenge how a practitioner maintains his/her integrity or integrity of profession”( Behm D., Joanna, OT Ethical Standards). (Behm D., Joanna, OT Ethical Standards). The OT Codes of Ethics Principals that can be discussed in this problem are, Fidelity, and Veracity, . The principle of Fidelity states that, “OT Practitioners must treat clients, colleagues and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity (Behm D., Joanna, OT Ethical Standards). This situation with meeting the student out for drinks …show more content…
5Although the customer talked about receiving poor Occupational Therapy, I would want to treat the client who received the therapy in a fair way along with the Occupational Therapist despite what she says to her friend or relative. I want to understand and figure out why that happened so that in the future she can receive better care along with future clients. In Occupational Therapy some other notions that apply to this situation would be, “being respectful and fair to clients” (code of ethics, pg7).
The principal of fidelity, sates that, “Occupational therapy personnel shall treat clients, colleagues, and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity” (Code of Ethics, pg.8). Although the client has negative things to say about the therapist and the service she has received, you still want to show integrity and respect and fairness to the Occupational Therapist by treating the situation with discretion on how to move forward with this …show more content…
This situation would be an ethical distress since “This Occurs when situations challenge how a practitioner maintains his/her integrity or integrity of the profession”. Since the client is speaking poorly of the physical therapist; who is a representative of the physical therapy profession, you want to maintain the integrity of the therapist’s profession and still be respectful to the client. The code of ethics principals that agree with one another are Justice, Veracity, and Fidelity. Justice states that, “Occupational therapy personnel should relate in a respectful, fair and impartial manner to individuals and groups with whom they interact” (Code of Ethics, pg. 5). This can be applied to this situation since it would be fair to continuously treat the physical therapist with fairness and respect regardless of what the client has said about the individual. Within the principal of Justice, it is also important that, “Occupational therapy personnel shall promote fairness and objectivity in the provision of occupational therapy services” (Code of Ethics, pg. 9). While being representative of the occupational therapy profession, it is also important to promote being fair towards the physical therapist and the client even though what the client is saying