Narrative Of A Revolutionary Soldier Essay

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I look around the battlefield looking uneasy. In every direction, I catch a glimpse of death. Death is everywhere. Death is laying next to me waiting for my time to come. Death is next to my fallen comrade slowly taking his soul away with every subsequent second. I am terrified to think that my time can come any second. War has been much worst than I could have ever imagined.The visibility on the battlefield is close to none. Dirt, gunpowder, blood, and ammunition flying in the air. When my ears are not ringing from all the detonations, I can hear gunshots, I can hear cannons being fired, but most terrifying of all, are the screams of pain coming from every direction. This is war at its finest or at least that's what I thought.
A Narrative Of A Revolutionary Soldier is the narrative of a young boy named Joseph Plumb Martin. At the age of 15 Joseph enlisted in the army even though his grandparents opposed the idea. In Joseph’s narrative it is made clear that in war there are threats greater than those of bullets, cannons, or
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Another illness that came upon Joseph was dysentery. Dysentery is an infection that causes the inside of the intestines to become inflamed causing intense diarrhea with blood. Joseph was struck with this disease in three different occasions throughout the book. On one occasion Joseph wandered into a liver from an old ox. As to why the officers preparing the ox threw out the liver he never asked himself. Thus he went home, cooked the liver, and ate it. After finally eating something after few days of starving he slept peacefully for only a few hours. For the liver had caused a bellyache that had him feeling, “dreadfully” (Martin 164). The medicine at this time were close to none however, luckily for Joseph the doctor's universal medicine did the trick. The doctor gave him, “ a large dose of tartar-emetic, the usual remedy in the army for all disorders, even sore

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