N. T. Wright's Gospels To His Computer

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1. When one hears the word “king” traits like “warrior,” “political power,” or the visualization of an individual who sits on a throne. This is exactly what individuals were expecting when people referred to Jesus as a king. This is all they had known a king being in the time period of Jesus. However, Jesus did not fit the mold of this type of king. Rather, Jesus was the complete opposite. He was a king who took the undesired road for His people to have the riches. He was a king who died for His Kingdom to be redeemed. The true act of sacrifice.

2. The question that N.T. Wright asks at the outset of this book is “Who do you say you are?” (pp. 2). This question refers to Jesus and who he actually is which stems from the first question. Without
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In the first chapter of Simply Jesus, the author N.T. Wright compares the Gospels to his computer. His computer can do an array of complex tasks. Yet, in his everyday use of his computer he barely scratches the surface of its capabilities. “Its full potential nowhere near realized” (pp. 4). This is how believers are when it comes to the Gospels. They are used for sermon topics or guidelines for everyday living yet the surface is just being scratched. The Gospels have yet to be used to their potential. Believers must realize the power and the message the Gospel truly holds in its …show more content…
In the second chapter of Simply Jesus, N.T. Wright gives three reasons why Jesus puzzles people. The first one is that Jesus’ world is foreign. Not only is Jesus’ world foreign but also takes place in the past. Things have changed. His world is not only foreign, but the people in His world dress differently, have different cultural world views, and “tell stories differently to explain who they were and what they were up to” (pp. 10). Believers must get inside of that world to truly make sense of Jesus and the Gospel. Second, the God that Jesus’ speaks of is also strange. This is strange because He was constantly talking about God, “but what he was saying both did and did not make sense in relation to the ‘God” his hearers had been thinking of” (pp. 10). Lastly, Jesus insinuated that he was in charge. Jesus knocked down barriers, went against mainstream, and challenged authority figures. He did things that most people thought were not allowed. This in fact was a dangerous way to start this transformative plan for God. All in all, believers need to get inside the world of Jesus, and in doing so, try to get a glimpse of what he meant when he spoke of God. Once that is grappled truly believe that he is in charge and act upon

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