She continues to describe her cultural experience on career day at school. "Though I do not recall the precise details of my Career Day outfit, it must have been a composite of the above choices, But I remember a comment my friend (an Italian-American) made in later years that coalesced my impressions of that day. She said that at the business school she was attending the Puerto Rican girls always stood out for wearing "everything at once." (234). Cofer is clearly pointing out differences in clothing between two cultures that makes them a target for stereotypes. She further demonstrates the steoretypes among Latin or Hispanic women by explaining the "'hot tamale or 'sexual firebrand" (234) designators. This further promotes culture bias and makes it acceptable for men to mistreat or sexually harrass women. Cofer states that stereotypes not only occur to the general public but also to people with a higher level of education. She recounts an incident at a "Classy Metropolitan hotel" (235) in which she encounters a man and his
She continues to describe her cultural experience on career day at school. "Though I do not recall the precise details of my Career Day outfit, it must have been a composite of the above choices, But I remember a comment my friend (an Italian-American) made in later years that coalesced my impressions of that day. She said that at the business school she was attending the Puerto Rican girls always stood out for wearing "everything at once." (234). Cofer is clearly pointing out differences in clothing between two cultures that makes them a target for stereotypes. She further demonstrates the steoretypes among Latin or Hispanic women by explaining the "'hot tamale or 'sexual firebrand" (234) designators. This further promotes culture bias and makes it acceptable for men to mistreat or sexually harrass women. Cofer states that stereotypes not only occur to the general public but also to people with a higher level of education. She recounts an incident at a "Classy Metropolitan hotel" (235) in which she encounters a man and his