His devotion finds its kryptonite in the Holocaust. That misfortune forever changes Wiesel’s beliefs. In “Elie Wiesel, Hasidism and the Hiddenness of God,” Jonathan Gorsky reveals, “Wiesel continues to affirm his faith, but is no longer the faith of this early life” (136). While the Holocaust is damaging in more than one area, Wiesel does not let it win. It takes away his childhood and family, and even though he says his God was murdered, God is the only person he has left. After much time to heal, he realizes God was always there. As Elie exhibits in Frunza’s article, “God is one; He is everywhere. And if He is everywhere, then He is in evil and injustice too, and also in the supreme evil: death. It is the man task to free God of this evil” (qtd. In Frunza 102). Instead of seeing God as missing, Wiesel can now see that He is everywhere one looks, and that silence does not always mean absence. What might be silence to one can be a revelation to
His devotion finds its kryptonite in the Holocaust. That misfortune forever changes Wiesel’s beliefs. In “Elie Wiesel, Hasidism and the Hiddenness of God,” Jonathan Gorsky reveals, “Wiesel continues to affirm his faith, but is no longer the faith of this early life” (136). While the Holocaust is damaging in more than one area, Wiesel does not let it win. It takes away his childhood and family, and even though he says his God was murdered, God is the only person he has left. After much time to heal, he realizes God was always there. As Elie exhibits in Frunza’s article, “God is one; He is everywhere. And if He is everywhere, then He is in evil and injustice too, and also in the supreme evil: death. It is the man task to free God of this evil” (qtd. In Frunza 102). Instead of seeing God as missing, Wiesel can now see that He is everywhere one looks, and that silence does not always mean absence. What might be silence to one can be a revelation to