I am going to describe Chicago in the best way possible through my five senses hearing, smelling, touch, taste and sight.
The first sense of seeing, is how well you can see Chicago, it all depends on your perspective and since this writing is based off my analogy you guys are going to be seeing Chicago through my bifocal lenses that’s right in my eyes ,because no two great minds are alike and what you see is not what other people see. If you want to see nice things you have come to the right city Chicago has over 25 tourist attractions ,one of the most famous ones is call the bean well to me it looks like a giant pinto bean covered in aluminum foil smoothed out with unrigged edges but you might see it as beautiful only because you see your reflection like “ …show more content…
Is the biggest food festival celebrated near Grant Park lasting 5 days in which you spend money on food vouchers and use it as replacement for cash but there prices are rivetingly lower compared to the actual places. At the taste the smell of bbq ribs hit your nose but it’s actually pork stucked on a stick with bbq slapped on it for covering. Also you smell organic leaf and dirt you guessed it it 's grass it’s in Grant