Throughout Murray’s writing, he addresses the fact that a piece of writing is never finished. He ends his essays with a grammatical indication that a piece of writing will always have elements that are incomplete. Every piece writing is slave to the deadline, not allowing the writing to blossom into what it could be. He used it very cleverly at the end wrapping up his point. Making his audience think deeply about the importance of writing draft after draft, not settling for anything that they don 't love. The writing process never ends, there is always something that the author can rewrite or manipulate in their writing. The Ellipsis at the end of the essay illustrates the perfect analogy to the importance of drafting and success in conveying a message even if you have to use an Ellipsis at the …show more content…
The title led me to expect an essay to be comical. Steve Martin is a famous comedian so I would of been very disappointed if the essay was not funny. The title also made me question why is writing so easy? I find it difficult and time consuming, so can it be easy? I was hoping that the paper would teach me how to make writing easier, outline why it is easy for him. I knew that the author must love to write, because for the average person writing is far from easy. This led me to believe that maybe Martin was being sarcastic, maybe it was going to be a paper on how hard and miserable it is to write. Writing is Easy is a welcoming title, so I immediately discarded the idea that he was being sarcastic. Finally the title gave me the conclusion that his essay must be light and easy to read because they title has no complexity to it. I instantly realize that the author takes a comic approach to the subject of writing. When he mentions sitting out in his back yard looking into the a rose and into the sky is very funny. The idea of a grown man sitting outside admiring a flower is whimsical and exaggerated. He is simply trying to imply that a good writer examines the world around them. He then mentions that all authors need the live in the state of California because of its cheery disposition, that leads authors residing in the state to create happy pieces of