This comparison rarely is positive leading to self-doubt and low self esteem. The media promotes comparison by promoting diet pills, and workout dvd to look like certain celebrities or models. This encourages negative body image and leaves little room for positive body image to grow. This is shown through the text in the advertisement with the lines, “Mummy, I want to be just like you.” This phrase uses “Mummy” as a metaphor for “the perfection” seen in others, that is constantly compared with the image of ourselves. The section of the line, “ I want to be just like you,” further emphasizes the need for perfection. This section of the advertisement shows that unhealthy body image starts with our comparison to others. Another symbol of comparison present within this image is the advertisements colour scheme. The image uses colour to show contrast within our lives, the all white bathroom, as well as the light colour clothing on the little girl shows lightness in every aspect of the image expect for the strong black colour of the scale even emphasized with a shadow. Showing, how strong of a factor body image is in our lives compared to other aspects, especially if that body image is negative. This colour choice is what moves the advertisement from a female audience to society in general it shows how men also can have negative body image and compare …show more content…
In the media advertisements rarely states that the image has been photoshopped or the model having gone a diet prior to the shoot. This results in youth culture looking comparatively to the photos and negative body image being promoted. In the advertisement the scale is used as a metaphor for illnesses like anorexia and body dysmorphia because it alters perceptions. Comparatively, in the advertisement the age of the little girl is very symbolic, because it exemplifies the fact that the youth are usually the target of body issues and pressure. This is shown in the advertisement with the text stating, “Unhealthy body image can start innocently.” The word innocently is the most powerful because it shows the innocence of youth. Children are influenced by their surroundings, and extremely observant, making every action around them impactful. If the media and adults are not educated in how to promote healthy body image that impacts the youth the most. This creates a platform for negative body image because there is not enough positive influences. In the advertisement this is shown with a little girl, clearly to young to be concerned about weight on a scale. Without healthy body image the composition of the photo, shows how weighing yourself can become a everyday routine, because it is located in a area that is regularly used, showing again how much of an impact body