Mr. Bacon And Substance Abuse

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In addition to his chronic low back pain, Mr. Bacon has had problems with substance abuse from his heavy reliance on his painkillers. Mr. Bacon visits clinics only to receive more pain medication, and when he doesn’t take his medication, he is less willing to interact with his family and is in a bad mood. His problem with substance abuse has led to many arguments with his wife, as his wife does not approve of his coping mechanism and has tried to express her feelings. Mr. Bacon’s wife has been furthering herself from Mr. Bacon not only due to his heavy reliance on his pain medication, but also due to his inability to help with the kids. Due to this narrowing support from his wife and his inability to participate in family activities, Mr. Bacon …show more content…
Bacon is general exercise, which will target not only his chronic low back pain, but also his depression. Within this treatment, Mr. Bacon would need to include aerobic exercise, muscular strength and stabilisation exercises and/or flexibility training into his workout routine. As shown from a study by Akodu, Akinbo, and Odebiyi, the use of specifically stabilization exercise in the treatment of patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain will reduce pain intensity and functional disability (Akodu, Akinbo, & Odebiyi, 2015). Additionally, a study done by Gordon and Bloxham proved that aerobic, muscular strengthening, and flexibility exercises are shown to be effective in improving disability and pain from nonspecific chronic low back pain (Gordon & Bloxham, 2016). Furthermore, a study done by Danielsson, Papoulias, Petersson, Carlsson, & Waern showed that exercise, and basic body awareness therapy, have positive effects on self rated depression (Danielsson, Papoulias, Petersson, Carlsson, & Waern, 2014). In addition, a study done by Chalder et al. showed that physical activity as a treatment for depression has the same effectiveness as antidepressants and therapy (Chalder et al., 2012). By improving the overall state of a patient's physical health, the likeliness of improving their mental health will increase as well (Herrman, Saxena, & Moodie, 2006). General exercise has been found to not only be a safe way to combat these issues, …show more content…
Bacon’s chronic low back pain. Due to Mr. Bacon’s schedule being very busy, as he works full-time and only makes $24,000, while he takes his breaks at work he can do some stretching that can help him reduce his pain. According to a study done by Sherman,Wellman, Cook, Cherkin, & Ceballos, people that stretch had decreased low back pain (Sherman,Wellman, Cook, Cherkin, & Ceballos, 2013). This study compares yoga and stretching to see which was more effective for chronic back pain. The result showed that stretching helped and was an effective treatment and safe for all individuals (Sherman,Wellman, Cook, Cherkin, & Ceballos, 2013). PNF stretching is another type of stretching that has been shown as be effective as treatment. In another study, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and exercise ball were compared to see which one helped reduce pain. (Lee, Hwangbo, & Lee, 2014) The study was conducted for 6 weeks and the result should that PNF was much better in reducing pain from the patient. (Lee, Hwangbo, & Lee,

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