In the film, the Beaven family tries to reduce to zero any type of pollution that they used to produce before, and he has a plan to reduce it by testing some methods that in the beginning of the documentary seem a little bit extreme for a family that lives in NYC to apply in their lives, such as not using any electricity, not using the elevator, eating food that is organic and comes from near places (up to 400km from NYC), not using the subway, they did not buy any type of goods that came with packages. By using these methods for one year, they were trying to reduce their carbon emissions to zero, produce no trash, emit no toxins in the water and reduce significantly the usage of electricity.
For a family that lives in New York, these changes in their habits were extremely radical, but I believe that it was a little bit harder for the mother of the family, Michelle, to adapt to these changes, mainly because she worked in fashion and she had a consumptive mindset, so she used to buy a lot of clothes and accessories and did not think about the impact that she was causing, …show more content…
As the documentary goes on they show how much trash they had generated in one week, and that was a moment that I noticed how much trash I actually produce at home, because of the amount of snacks and things that come in packages I buy and consume in a week, and I realized that reducing the amount of trash that I produce in a week is one of the main things that I have to change in my life in order to be more