Moral Relativism In Entertainment

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: Moral relativism has taken over the entertainment industry, and is brainwashing children against the Judeo-Christian principles of which America was founded on. Today, moral relativism is being established into children through today’s music, media, and television shows. The agenda set by the entertainment industry is brainwashing kids as young as a couple of weeks old. The agenda is negatively impacting the next generation and is accelerating the downfall of American civilization.
A Billboard chart-topping hit, Pills and Automobiles by Chris Brown, features provocative and demising lyrics like “I’m tryna smoke, tryna get high, see it in my eyes, I know she playin’ both sides, that girl [explicit] tellin’ lies.” Lyrics like this earned
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His journey of coming out as transgender woman is broadcasted as the reality of his emotion life while denying the reality of biology. Television today does not contribute Judeo-Christian morals. Television shows like The Kardashians teach young students an immorality and gimps of the luxurious life and how life ought to be like. According to Ben Shapiro, “television isn’t just about entertainment- it’s an attempt to convince Americans that the social, economic, and foreign policy shaped by leftism is morally righteous.” In an interview with Leonard Goldberg, Shapiro made a statement about revulsion shows being biased to the left and Goldberg responded, “There is no question about that. I don’t know about the content being pushed, but in the terms of the thought about various matters, social and political, it’s a one hundred percent dominant… And anyone who questions that is just kidding or not telling the truth, I can say that as an independent. There is no question what the agenda is. But if you say ‘here, let’s do a show about this, everyone is on one side.’ The Hollywood agenda is about trying to brainwash the views of children and adolescence. The popular ABC show ‘Pretty Little Liars’ features many examples of moral relativism. It shows premarital sex, student-teacher relationships, murder, and lying. This television program targets young teens (, and is teaching them that these relationships and morals are normal and morally correct, and this is just one of the many examples. ‘Friends’ is one of the most popular television shows to ever hit the screen and while it does teach the value of friendship, it also teaches that regular premarital sex is normal, and divorce is normal. Television programs need to focus on the importance of morals in television shows to decrease the downfall of Western

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