In the article Swan discusses the occupational and relationship roles women in these series take on. It is reveled that most of the women stay home and rely on their counterparts to provide for them or they take on jobs that are seen as less significant to typical male occupations. Swan believes constant displays of objectification and subliminal social limitation on television can have a negative impact on young adults, who are the primary target audience, “Teens and adolescents who regularly view sexually or romantically themed reality shows are more likely to endorse traditional gender roles and stereotypes,” (Swan, 2014). This article highlights the disparity between the societal goals of equality and the television portrayal of unequal gender roles. This article explains some of the gender stereotypes still prevalent in …show more content…
The article explains there are two perspectives on media and aggression. One perspective states an aggressive viewer may seek out more aggressive stimuli to fill a need. The other perspective states the media influences the viewers behavior. The article discusses theories that explain the reasons people seek out aggressive stimuli. The researcher suggests social comparison theory as a possible explanation for relational aggression, stating individuals that are relationally aggressive, watch relationally aggressive characters in media and by measuring the characters behavior with their own feel more at ease or less guilty about their own behavior. Effect theories such as priming, social learning and cultivation suggest the aggressive behavior in media leads to increased aggression in viewer behavior. Coyne et al., (2012) explains the relationship between social learning and aggression in the media, “Social Learning theory suggests that as individuals are exposed to aggressive behavior in the media, they vicariously learn about the appropriateness and usefulness of aggressive behavior through aggressive characters.” People become accustomed to the aggression and eventually think its normal and