Miss Congeniality Analysis

Superior Essays
Miss Congeniality is an action comedy film that came out in the year 2000. This film starred the very well- known actress Sandra Bullock, who plays an FBI agent who has to undergo a transformation in order to become a contestant in the Miss America pageant. Bullock was later nominated for Best Actress at the 2001 Golden Globes, for her performance in Miss Congeniality. From its opening weekend till now Miss Congeniality has made close to a hundred and seven million dollars. The director of this movie was Donald Petrie, who went on to direct the movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” in 2003 and several other movies after that.
How does Miss Congeniality portray career-minded women? Miss Congeniality portrays career-minded women as being incomplete
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Promoting the idea of having to change who you are to be successful is a very negative message for women. According to Anna Archer it “teaches young female viewers that their employers or potential employers have unspoken job requirements regarding the extent of femininity female employees should display.” (Archer 2003) Also, many females see failure in their lives as a result of something being wrong with themselves. Seeing it as being a problem because of their looks, personality, or even both. This can later lead to a low self-esteem, and cause them to go to extreme measures to meet society’s expectations. Maintaining and being a certain weight is one of society’s expectations for women. One extreme measure that many women may go to when trying to meet this expectation is crash dieting. Crash dieting is one eats very little so that they can lose weight in a short period of time. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are also possible measures that females may take. Especially when they are trying to transform themselves to become more …show more content…
Workplace discrimination is the unequal treatment in the workplace, and one type of this is gender discrimination. Which is when a worker is treated in a different way as a result of their gender. According to Archer, this “robs employers of a diverse workforce and it robs women of fully developing their natural personalities and styles.” (Archer 3) And this can also lead to women not being able to receive promotions or important opportunities since they are not allowed to progress and thrive in the workplace. Which can also lead to no further success in the company. Because women should not have had to change in order to fit into previously masculine work roles. Instead, they should be true to themselves and require their employers to conform to the requirements of Title VII. (Archer, 2003) Gender discrimination in the workplace is a road block for both successful women and companies.
There are also preconceived notions on how being attractive in the workplace has higher outcomes. An outcome of a study showed that attractive personnel had higher success rates than their less attractive coworkers. (Hosoda

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