United Stated Military vs Ebola
Lisa Marie Hayter
27 October 2014
Mrs. Camp The United States military has been trained to combat the nation’s enemies, foreign and domestic. Physical enemies, not a virus. Ebola is an epidemic that is still active and the largest outbreak in its history. (CDC. 2014). Death rates are above 55%, and the United States government is sending thousands of men and women to “combat” an unseen enemy. I am a Marine Corps veteran, and I disagree with the decisions being made for this country in regards to this epidemic. My time in the military is over. I received an Honorable Discharge and am well on my way to finally living a new life. Now, there is a possibility that I could be recalled to Active Duty because of a virus. …show more content…
This virus is known to find a host in primates, bats, and humans and is transmittable between each host. Human-to-human transmitting includes, but is not limited to: skin contact (though rare, it has happened), blood, and other bodily excretions (saliva, tears, semen, et cetera). One Ebola victim even contracted the virus by using a hospital blanket that once was used by another deceased Ebola patient! Severe viral hemorrhagic fever, vomiting, and unexplained bleeding are just a few of the symptoms experienced with this virus. In the United States, there has been one death and a total of four cases of Ebola infected citizens; three cases were in Dallas, Texas and the most recent case is in New York. (CDC.