Consequently, there is more flaws in the CDC then the airports themselves. When an accident occurs with any virus the CDC is immediately involved to control the situation properly. The worry lies in the fact that the CDC does not always do what they are supposed to do. Preston (1995) recalls an accident, “ [t]he laboratory assistant RENATE L. broke a test tube that was to be sterilized, which had contained infected material on August 28th, and fell ill on September 4th 1967” (p. 36). The actions taken after the test tube accident should have been thoroughly executed and recorded instantly. The amount of room for error is so extensive that only educated medical personnel and equipment should be used. …show more content…
In interview with a lab specialist at the monkey research unit Preston (1995) records,” [t]he boss of the company was having the sick monkeys put into boxes and shipped out to a small island in Lake Victoria, where they were being released” (p. 41). This fact was hidden from the public's’ eyes because the CDC was aware of how bad their actions were. The United States government did not wish to arouse panic in society so their decisions was to keep the story hush. To add to the mess the CDC never spoke to the monkey inspector, ‘was bad epidemiology but good politics,’ he remarked to me” (p. 42). This illustrates how easy it was for the CDC to not follow their protocols. To conclude, along with the CDC the United States government also plays a big role in hot virus outbreaks. According to Preston (1995), The United States currently has a freezer filled with intense lethal viruses” (p. 47). For years citizens have worried about nuclear weapons lying in the government’s hands, now a room with all known deadly viruses are put in them as well. The biggest worry includes the government using the vials to dictate other counties and use it in a form of population control. This gives evidence that the human population had the