Robert Stevens was …show more content…
He discovered that was something different about this anthrax; it appeared to have something almost boiling off of it. Along with the worry that Iraq had engineered this anthrax, it could also be laced with smallpox. An engineered anthrax laced with smallpox could be a disaster waiting to happen. With relief the scientist found that the anthrax was not laced with anthrax.
In conclusion, the book ends with Dr. Chen in his lab experimenting with a “superpox” that has a hundred percent fatality rate. Seeing that this “superpox” is extremely deadly, he works to find a vaccine that could stop the “superpox.” He discovers that if a person gets the vaccination for smallpox before they come in contact with the smallpox it would prevent it. It’s safe for any scientist to say that smallpox is really the demon in the freezer.
Richard Preston had the attention of bringing the real horror of smallpox to the surface when he wrote this book. He wrote this book to educate and inform people on the dangers of smallpox and its effects. I saw that smallpox was a very serious virus, and the fear that it could get into the wrong hands brought real terror to my mind. The fear of smallpox as a bioweapon will haunt in the back of my mind forever. I can say without a doubt that smallpox is truly the most horrifying demon out