With those within the diaspora, identity becomes detached from a specific location and is reliant on ways they can manage sustain the connection through their own efforts. As a result of this identity-forming in more than one place, the idea of translocality or transnationality emerges. Author Clemens Grenier in his piece on translocality in Namibia, he defines the two terms and writes on why the two are so similar. According to his research “Transnationalism...refers to “the processes by which immigrants forge and sustain multi-stranded social relations that link their societies of origin and settlement.” The idea emerged out of the necessity to conceptualize social fields that increasingly crossed national borders and thereby challenged concepts of nationhood and citizenship.” with this definition of transnationalism he goes on to state that within Namibia’s southern Kunene Region below. Scholars this can be observed at the local level through patterns of urban-rural movement. He states “transnational families” [within this region] manage to take care of their emotional, material and spiritual needs across national borders.As transnational actors, they create networked spaces that are “composed of observable social relationships and transactions”(Greiner 2010). The meaning of this is within Namibia, one can see the phenomena of transnationality as it applies …show more content…
Though they may make the conscious decision to live away from their homelands, they do faces a certain isolation and degradation in their new lands that even with citizenship in their new country, cause them to identify with their homelands more closely. In the cause of Muslim African refugees, they are often stereotyped in a way that portrays them as both lowly and outsiders (Abdi 2011). Liberian-Americans within their homes in the United States often do not fully relate to the African-American experience as they are not accustomed to the racist history of the country(Lubkemann 2008). This causes many within these diaspora and migrant communities to categorize themselves as separate