Question: 1) Why was the social classification of race invented?
Race being the social classification in which we distinguish one another by our ethnic and or regional background, enables us to not only create, but uphold systematic social status throughout the world. As proven through scientific research, race is not a substantive concept, but rather an unfounded concept that has been used to separate the human race overtime. This being the case, race was invented to create social class ranks; which sanctioned the appalling treatment of non-whites throughout the past couple of centuries. Is Afrocentrism a response to racism? Afrocentrism has enabled the domestic and diaspora African community to think highly of themselves, and rightfully so. Over the past four hundred years, the African …show more content…
This is because natural features that apply to a certain ethnic group do not always appear evidently. Phenotypic features are based on the genes that are passed down, which means that these features will likely differ when it comes to mixed-ethnicity persons. Thus, someone can have features that don’t really make them appear as being a certain ethnicity.
Reading three
Question: 3)What is the difference in the classification of identity from generation to generation? The classification of race was as simple as black, white, and mulatto back in 1860th, as years have gone by the evolutionary of classification of identity became more diverse into variety of groups. I noticed that they started a new classification of identity named, Quadroon and Octoroon Japanese in 1890’s. In 1920 new classification of group was also created which was identified Filipino, Hindu, and Koreans.
Reading four
Question: 4) As Guarroutte describe them, what are the various ways that one might be defines as a “real” Indian? when might these difference definitions of “Indianness”